Message from @tinytaco
Discord ID: 388088725193621526
although it spent a fuckload of time in shanghai, so maybe it'll be delayed for longer
Anyone bought any microphones they liked recently?
i got an edifier k550 that has a reasonably nice mic
Where did you pick that up from mate?
Oh that's a headset, I was looking for a dedicated microphone
Just for discord and such
you can use just the mic part
two 3.5mm jacks
i just use my fuckin measurement mic for voice lol
wait wtf
What is PostNL like? Can't see it on the table
@tinytaco China -> Nederlands -> Your Country
1-2 weeks then?
you wish
Found a seller using epacket! 👌
I fucking hate PostNL
Does anybody know if AliExpress Premium Shipping is worth the cost?
At this rate my costume won't arrive till after December
M-my rn4x was worth it
4x is not mid range
4x is like slightly above entry level
It punches above it's weight pretty well for the price tho
Tbh I'll just stick with the rn4x for two years anyways and stop reading phone news
Oh yeah, how is Lineage on RN4X?
seems like all the remaining parcels were put on the same plane and arrived today
got another confirmation a parcel hit NZ
I'm on stock lol
I know a few people who run lineage on the RN4X and they really like it. It's a really good ROM to be fair
@tinytaco I ran it on my RN3
It was bloody attrocious
My camera stopped working after day 2