Message from @FashyGoy1488
Discord ID: 414554628424990720
That was great
i cant wait to see video
Hail Heimbach, Hail TWP, Hail victory
It's the Jews, dummy!
Ayyy my boy
Got your snaps. Good shit.
Well that was FUN! Was honored to meet everyone in person and assist with filming. Party like 1933, looking forward to seeing yall again! Hail Victory!
I was a little sad we didn’t get more quality 1:1 with the opposition tho
Looks like the speech went well
what is it that the Students werent allowed to attend? WHY?
I have no idea
But definitely would like to know
That’s why
Dig deep enough
You find a Jew
And yes was great to meet everyone truly good goys
Hopefully I’ll see you at the next event !
Hope so!
I’ll be going to the next one
When’s the nxt one?
@Hand Banana do you know when the next event is?
Hopefully not real soon
My bank account needs to recover lol
Lol for sure
I hate to say it but I wouldn’t mind if there was conflict at the next event
I want to BTFO commies with my brothers again
Our guys were winning all the ground fights
It was fun and gratifying
I agree...I was dissatisfied at the distance the cops put between us and them
I couldn’t even scream faggot or tranny at them
Usually I lose my voice
Wow the cops did their jobs for once
Extremely well