Message from @CatoHostilius
Discord ID: 364417209713557504
if ZOG didn't perpetrate this, they're wringing their hands a little more gleefully this morning
I wonder if this has anything to do with distracting us from the unrest in Catalonia
why would they want to do that?
Because Americans can sympathize with a forced subjugated nation trying to declare Independence from a European power
And they're going to declare martial law
i read that the catalonians are far-leftist
They're not our guys but we still need to support them
i can understand that
Secession would embolden other anti EU movements, and a weakened EU is good for us
feels weird supporting leftists in any capacity
Yeah, not sure if it is lefties.
Same. I assume Catalonia will be Fashy 😇
I was saying on vegas
Why are we assuming this isn't a false flag using controlled media to control a narrative?
>we need to support the succession of a soros funded communist regime
Catalonia isn't anti-EU
They asked Germany and Israel for funding
Blood boiling in 3, 2, 1...
***Blood Boiling Intensifies***
@Sir88 Don't get your hopes up, I've never seen an antifa page on facebook that wasn't parody
Is there a good TWP presence in SC?
it's probably ZOG but even if it isn't, they sure aren't wasting any time
I don't mean to laugh, but wtf Hillary? That is not how any of this works.
Every. Single. Tragedy.
Here is the shooter in a pussy hat at an anti-Trump rally. The girlfriend is island wog so likely muzzie, especially if from Indonesia. The festival was supposedly country music, so mostly conservative Whites and a high % of Trump supporters to be shot. Also, the woman thrown out of the venue about 45 min prior to the shooting, who said "you're all gonna die", was an island wog. ISIS is claiming responsibility saying the man is a recent convert.
holy fuck
IF that's not him that guy is his twin.
good evening
hi, pleased to meet you
my wife says she wants to teach our group about biology
she on our side or not?
she says the white gene is disappearing
Oh, it is, absolutely
IF we didnt know that we wouldnt be here