Message from @Σ.
Discord ID: 466010644643053568
hello fellow liberalists
@qwerty pumpkin is that mockery?
i have little sense of humour
any fellow sargon fans/liberalists up for some light hearted but highbrow conversation in vc?
Hello fellow Liberalists.
i think liberalistism is dead now sargon joined ukip?
not sure whether to join myself or not
I'll be there in 5
I'm a Ukipperalist.
What liberalist branch you from? @qwerty pumpkin
i wasn't aware there were branches
Well there's the tree so obviously there's branches
(the sentence I typed above was a joke btw)
ahhh ok
@qwerty pumpkin not many members of liberalist organisations like thr LIA have anything to do with Sargon
Many are annoyed with how little he aided the movement after starting it, so we have mostly abandoned him as a leader
he never leaded us
He started the movement, therefore he was, for a time, de facto leadet
he never lead the lia (to my knowledge)
he came up with the idea and worded some basic principles. personally wouldnt call that starting a movement, more asking if someone can build one
the fact that he was able to rally a large group to start the movement is enough for me to call him at least an interim or de facto leader
it would be ignorant to dismiss his impact
@qwerty pumpkin also, ukip and liberalism/liberalistism arent mutually exclusive, we arent, after all, a political party anyway
i dont disagree that he hasnt had impact on the movement. we wouldnt have been here without him, but the fact remains that he has done nothing to organise the movement, so even if you see him as the defacto leader, he hasnt led us.
really just depends on your definition of leader
hes more of a public figure and mouthpiece
hes better for pr and getting ppl into the movement
@Σ. ahh okay, got ya, so does this still go strong without him? tbh i don't watch him much
i liked some of the principles is all and was interested
i think it's best without a figurehead, because then the movement depends on one person
@qwerty pumpkin there will be a PR meeting tomorrow at 2100 which you will be able to see if you look down into the team rooms. I can’t say you’ll get in but I say this so you will know that work is getting done, and if you are interested in helping I suggest reaching out to one of the chairs.
Rembo: Research
Jorick: Activism
Fogmind: PR
Dammnation: Marketing
I completely agree, he's comparable, now, to a deadbeat baby daddy who misses his child support payments