Message from @electric bruhgaloo

Discord ID: 543444694357639170

2019-02-08 14:53:21 UTC

and discord has all your message history

2019-02-08 14:53:23 UTC

it's on tor

2019-02-08 14:53:24 UTC

Looks like they purged the swattie emotes

2019-02-08 14:53:28 UTC

you have to go on tor

2019-02-08 14:53:31 UTC

they being geist

2019-02-08 14:53:33 UTC

and the overtly NS ones

2019-02-08 14:53:38 UTC


2019-02-08 14:53:42 UTC


2019-02-08 14:53:45 UTC

That works tho

2019-02-08 14:53:45 UTC

NSL fucked up once

2019-02-08 14:53:51 UTC

their sever is private now

2019-02-08 14:53:56 UTC

I'm in it

2019-02-08 14:54:09 UTC

Loverboy fucked up and leaked a bunch of shit about IH in here

2019-02-08 14:54:13 UTC

So I've been told

2019-02-08 14:54:23 UTC

2019-02-08 14:54:37 UTC


2019-02-08 14:54:40 UTC

Inner heaven?

2019-02-08 14:54:49 UTC

he might've

2019-02-08 14:54:54 UTC


2019-02-08 14:55:02 UTC

Im in most of those circles

2019-02-08 14:55:11 UTC
2019-02-08 14:55:26 UTC

looks small

2019-02-08 14:55:47 UTC

do you want to see my hand grenade and dragunov?

2019-02-08 14:55:52 UTC

2019-02-08 14:56:03 UTC

whalter ppq

2019-02-08 14:56:06 UTC


2019-02-08 14:56:07 UTC

captured on d-day

2019-02-08 14:56:11 UTC

just like the real nzais

2019-02-08 14:56:21 UTC

I got it passed to me

2019-02-08 14:56:28 UTC

it was captured

2019-02-08 14:56:34 UTC

captured on dday how sad

2019-02-08 14:56:37 UTC


2019-02-08 14:56:41 UTC

for both sides

2019-02-08 14:56:42 UTC

I wish it wasn't sometimes

2019-02-08 14:57:00 UTC

I wish that whalter ppq had shot enough to make them retreat

2019-02-08 14:57:23 UTC


2019-02-08 14:57:31 UTC

>sometimes the truth is ugly, and one day you will be too, so you might as well accept it

2019-02-08 14:57:32 UTC

there was no reason to storm that beach any way

2019-02-08 14:57:54 UTC

just for theatrics

2019-02-08 14:58:02 UTC


2019-02-08 14:58:03 UTC
