Message from @smirnoff

Discord ID: 544227531126210560

2019-02-10 18:43:32 UTC

having no technology is what makes it charming

2019-02-10 18:43:35 UTC

vanilla was fun like back in 2011-2013

2019-02-10 18:43:47 UTC

but after that i feel like they began overcomplicating the game

2019-02-10 18:43:50 UTC

introducing industrial revolution to 12 years olds on a minecraft server

2019-02-10 18:43:54 UTC


2019-02-10 18:44:04 UTC

minecraft was suposted to be simple

2019-02-10 18:44:13 UTC

2019-02-10 18:44:32 UTC

I think beacon is the first stupid thing they added

2019-02-10 18:44:43 UTC


2019-02-10 18:44:47 UTC

i think it was trading

2019-02-10 18:44:50 UTC

there were a bunch of things in this update

2019-02-10 18:44:59 UTC

villagers were fine

2019-02-10 18:45:05 UTC

yes on their own

2019-02-10 18:45:17 UTC

trading was retarded

2019-02-10 18:45:18 UTC


2019-02-10 18:45:19 UTC

but the trading sucks

2019-02-10 18:45:23 UTC


2019-02-10 18:45:32 UTC

fucking green useless shekels

2019-02-10 18:45:48 UTC


2019-02-10 18:45:52 UTC

only useful for trading

2019-02-10 18:45:54 UTC

what a useless ore

2019-02-10 18:46:01 UTC

we were all excited for an upgrade to diamond

2019-02-10 18:46:04 UTC

whatever man

2019-02-10 18:46:05 UTC

if you could make stuff from these it would be beter

2019-02-10 18:46:07 UTC


2019-02-10 18:46:10 UTC

and then it was just fucking shit

2019-02-10 18:46:11 UTC

it's lapis 2

2019-02-10 18:46:14 UTC

just for aesthetic

2019-02-10 18:46:15 UTC


2019-02-10 18:46:28 UTC

lapis actually has uses in crafting

2019-02-10 18:46:28 UTC

at least you can dye with lapis

2019-02-10 18:46:29 UTC

i think

2019-02-10 18:46:35 UTC

^ this too

2019-02-10 18:46:44 UTC

implying anyone gives a shit about making dye

2019-02-10 18:46:50 UTC

people do

2019-02-10 18:47:00 UTC

that lapis blue was one of best colors

2019-02-10 18:47:03 UTC

2019-02-10 18:47:04 UTC

to use

2019-02-10 18:47:17 UTC

i have free smiley dealer bot blocked on discord

2019-02-10 18:47:18 UTC


2019-02-10 18:47:19 UTC
