Message from @FlipppyyJr
Discord ID: 553750013050748928
Well I'll be 18 in May so I'll only be without porn for a bit
~~I better start stocking up all that hentai~~
Seriously though I think it's kind of dumb. You can have sex, leave school and get married at 16 so why not watch porn? I honestly don't get this government's logic.
Probably related to the fact it's generally a morally bankrupt industry
At least, you can hope that's why
Porn is natural and good
As long as you arent addicted but tgats your own fault just like "alcoholism"
porn is basically legal prostitution.
agreed @DreamCrush
@FlipppyyJr depends on the kind of porn youre talking about
social democracy is bad
@here zero day security flaw has been found in chome so update it asap
Muslims, please have a read of this before saying the Bible predicts Muhammed and therefore Islam is true.
hello fellow centrist
yet people are still against vaccines because of some dumb report in the 90s that even some of the creators said it bullshit
white single moms are the biggest threat to the world
Contracts tuberclosis
shut the h*ck up retar
Is anyone here coherent
Modern day fascism is the true white genocide
demi lardner age