Message from @bruce
Discord ID: 555706617241272332
The greatest wrong done to us by Jews and the political system, the greatest national danger to
which they exposed us, is neither the grabbing of the Romanian soil and subsoil, nor even the tragic
annihilation of the Romanian middle class, nor the great number of Jews in our schools,
professions, etc. and not even the influence they exercise over our political life-though each of these
in itself is a mortal danger for our people. The greatest national peril is the fact that they have
deformed, disfigured our Daco-Romanic racial structure, giving birth to this type of man, creating
this human refuse, this moral failure.. the politician who has nothing in common with the nobility of
our race any more; who dishonors and kills us, If this species of man continues to 'lead this country,
the Romanian people will close its eyes forever and Romania will collapse, in spite of all the
brilliant programs with which the "trickery" of this degenerate creature is able to dazzle the eyes of
the unfortunate multitudes. From among all the pests brought to us by the Jewish invasion, this is
the most frightening one!
Jews should have no control over another race but there own
imagine having political opinions
im gonna fuck aoc
Tim Pool is a worm
Communist are disgusting
God forgive me from being one
The foreigners beyond our borders try to pass the cup of poison among us, through the aliens living
in the bosom of our country. They dare state that they prod us forward
in the name of peace, justice and liberty, and in the name of the workers. Their word is a lie, their
urgings a killing poison for:
They say they want peace, but they themselves destroy it, killing the most worthy;
Demand freedom, but by death threats, oblige people to submit to them;
Wish brotherhood, while they sow hatred, injustice, and licentiousness within nations.
Moreover, they say they want the abolishment of capital earned by the sweat of one's brow. '
They tell us they do not want war, but they war.
They demand the army be abolished, but they arm themselves. They urge us to discard the tricolor
flag, while in its stead they hoist the red flag of hatred. Do not lend any credence to their
manifestoes and urgings just as you did not believe that of the enemy when you were fighting at
Oituz, Marasti and Marasesti.
The duty of every good Romanian is to see to it that in the future, too, the seed of dissention the
enemy endeavors to throw among us does not take root.
Perfect the Work you began by your labor and your honor. Your enemies are the indolence, hatred
and dishonor that rule across the borders, that threaten us as well.
Beware! Keep clean your soul, do not forget that our salvation is work, unity and honor.
@kurac why?
Voice chat anyone?
Guess not
Anti-SJWs are the new SJWs
and Antifa are the new fascists
Not true, Fascists have morals
And can get shit done
I'm guessing that's satire
Thought and action
video of him shooting the mosque
Shooter Manifesto
Rly Epic
old news