Message from @Hadrian
Discord ID: 346851225821773825
tutanota is good for security, but the interface is terrible
Ill have to set one up tomorrow some time. I dont talk much with anyone from the party so im not to worried about heavy security. might work. Swiss based.
could just make a sock outlook acct
I just got set up with proton
thats what Ive been using for everythign to compartmentalize everything
I use tutanota for alt-right stuff
Ill look around and see what fits. How is everyone this evening?
was good then shitty
losing the Stormer hurts
only was able to reconnect with a few people from sub and almost no one from stormer
I mean what the fuck had some great times last night talking to people in voice general and now its fucking gone fucking kikes fucking ruin everything excuse the f word
some of the people in the stormer irc are odd
Damn. Sad night. I heard the stormed thing was fake?
the hacking was fake
and then Jewgle siezed the domain name
godaddy confirmed cuck
not sure how jewgle can get away with that
weev says its going to be ok though, they're getting a new domain
because domain names are technically leased from ICANN, not owned
yeah but google isnt fucking icann
no, but they're the registrar that daily stormer went with after godaddy
its complicated but possibly legal. We don't know yet
soon as I have an update I'll post it here
anfags need to be crashed with no survivors
seriously thought what the fuck google
google is jewish owned
I know just working through my rage at the situation
Anonymizing this link just in case. Have a look-see. The Matts are making news
You see NC?