Message from @Confessor

Discord ID: 349464459967856661

2017-08-22 08:00:23 UTC  

will we get recreational nukes?

2017-08-22 08:00:53 UTC  

I don't know if it's entirely Jewish as America started out pretty libertarian

2017-08-22 08:01:11 UTC  

They are in the stages of denial, full NS is enevitable in my mind.

2017-08-22 08:01:14 UTC  

Us Americans just have more of a sense of desire for freedom than perhaps you europeans

2017-08-22 08:01:32 UTC  

all roads lead to ethno nationalism 😄

2017-08-22 08:01:35 UTC  

Libertarian "fascists" are misguided souls who think NS is somehow against a free market. Hitler liked the market. But everyone had to serve the nation or they were crushed.

2017-08-22 08:01:40 UTC  

Think about libertarian thinkers, almost 99,99% jewish. Even HHH is married to a turkish woman.

2017-08-22 08:02:23 UTC  

I didn't say they weren't, just that the desire for freedom (which is pretty much libertarianism, the ideology is just more fleshed out) was around prior to Jews really getting here

2017-08-22 08:02:33 UTC  

eurozoners just dont wan tthe state to fuck with their persona 5 saves and mudslimes cutting in line and stelaing the last coronetto

2017-08-22 08:02:34 UTC  

People like Cantwell for instance, built their entire identity on lolbergtarianism. Once they get redpilled, they can't let it go and can't realize how Jewish capitalism is. It's cognitive dissonance.

2017-08-22 08:02:46 UTC  

It would be beneficial to the jews if the whites didn't organize but instead viewed all authority as evil like rebellious children.

2017-08-22 08:03:51 UTC  

Libertarianism is a fucking cancer. It allows degenerates freedoms that would be outlawed in an NS society.

2017-08-22 08:04:02 UTC

2017-08-22 08:04:38 UTC  

Yeah, precisely what I mean Confessor. It's not how big a state, but how good a state.

2017-08-22 08:04:43 UTC  

Imagine believing there was a more noble vision and cleaner aesthetic ever to exist.

2017-08-22 08:05:00 UTC  

Instead of: Authority = Nazism & Communism, No authority = Muh freedumps & good

2017-08-22 08:05:03 UTC  

That seems like kind of a strawman. The thinkers themselves were anti-authority, yeah, but you can have freedom (liberty, to some degree libertarianism) such as the US did a couple hundred years ago without it being Jewish or anti-authoritarian

2017-08-22 08:05:23 UTC  

I guess what I'm getting at is muh gun rights, low taxes etc can coexist

2017-08-22 08:05:31 UTC  

NS had PLENTY of freedom. It had little freedumb.

2017-08-22 08:06:15 UTC  

We only need freedom to do good, the freedom to do evil is not desirable. National socialism makes whites free, unless you consider freedom to mainline meth and watch child porn essential to "being free".

2017-08-22 08:06:59 UTC  

Sweet Jesus just get in the TRS forums and you will see plenty of IE faggots who think they know what "good optics" are

2017-08-22 08:07:06 UTC  

No, I'm pretty much talking about the basic bitch talking points most whites in the US intrinsically feel

2017-08-22 08:07:25 UTC  

I don't care about drug or pornography restrictions

2017-08-22 08:07:38 UTC  

@Confessor Yeah, seems like a whole lot hasn't changed, you used to get banned for mentioning Donovan is a faggot.

2017-08-22 08:07:39 UTC  

The idea that freedom itself is valuable if not channeled towards a greater good is insane. Duty matters immensely more than freedom. You are not an island. You owe your very life to someone else. You exist in advanced civilization. You have a duty to steward that and it matters much more than muh atomized individualism above all.

2017-08-22 08:08:41 UTC  

The individual brain produced all great things. But it would mean NOTHING without the greater whole of civilization for it to exist in.

2017-08-22 08:08:42 UTC  

I agree

2017-08-22 08:08:48 UTC  

Not anymore fam. We've been getting people defending Grindr Gred, Ryan Faulk, and Jack ostrasized

2017-08-22 08:08:58 UTC  


2017-08-22 08:09:34 UTC  

The Alc-Right Rises and CJ's Throwing Homos in Woodchippers meme got the Death Panel to disavow Greg.

2017-08-22 08:09:51 UTC  

It used to be that calling out Donovan, Grindr Greg, O'Meara or any other open sodomite meant that you're ironlarperpurityspiraler who wants to divide and hurt the mobement.

2017-08-22 08:09:56 UTC  

We will need a night of the long knives to purge sodomites and nazbols eventually anyway.

2017-08-22 08:10:19 UTC  

Yea that shit got pushed out.

2017-08-22 08:11:02 UTC  

We're in the white baby business. Fags don't fit the utilitarian model. That's without going into the moral question.

2017-08-22 08:11:03 UTC  

Fascists and NS conversions are becoming commonplace in TRS

2017-08-22 08:11:41 UTC  

Because people want to be as effective as possible and as informed as possible. The more you know, the more you like Hitler.

2017-08-22 08:11:53 UTC  
2017-08-22 08:12:43 UTC  

It makes me feel stupid even saying this but it should go without saying three whites working in a group will always be more strong than one white alone. No matter how you look at it, libertarians will lose every time.

2017-08-22 08:12:58 UTC  

Liftwaffe needs to be everyone's number one goal atm. We need to look like chads, every one of us.

2017-08-22 08:13:31 UTC  

Libertarianism is a joke. A bad one. And it's almost stopped being worth a chuckle.

2017-08-22 08:14:07 UTC  

Jesus the Liftwaffe got David Duke feeling all high and mighty