Message from @uncle adolf
Discord ID: 277065242150699008
Dunno Anthrax, unlikely: they would have shoa'd him
Well, fillon is kill but the government will call people to vote against Marine whatever happens
the (((government)))
latest poll is 59/41
literally the same numbers as trump had at the beginning of the campaign
I'm counting on you kikes get behind it because it is possible
we need more chimpouts to unite people against the niggers
Permanent tripfagging reeeeeeeeeeeee
this looks edgy as shit guys
wew lads
Don't we want to elect Le Pen here?
these arent actual racists are they???
traps and fags = death sentence
We want Le Pen, but we need more chimpouts to get her more votes
ironic homosexuality is still homosexuality
wat if ur on top
thats like minimal gay tho
futa aint gay
It's not gay if a woman is wearing it
when ur national socialist but also have homosexual tendencies 😩 😩 😩
just create a role called "Likes futa dick" fam
Antifa is full of faggots, and we are full of anime fags
im seeing a pattern
ew gross
i dont fit in anywhere tiem to look for libertarian discords
i have lefty/pol/ but only for shitposting
@a lone father k hey are you that furry fag with all those memes
fuckin a
Furries get the bullet
Futa is redpill
hey thats that retarded pepe guy
im putting furries on warning right now, change your ways or ur gassed with the jews
i ironically want the role of "likes futa dick", make it a thing moderator
get a sex change
nah m8
these two have just started flirting