Message from @veta_echeveria

Discord ID: 547502460155985930

2019-02-19 19:37:43 UTC

No kids no husband no boyfriend

2019-02-19 19:37:49 UTC


2019-02-19 19:37:56 UTC

She doesnt have to be there that much

2019-02-19 19:37:56 UTC


2019-02-19 19:38:02 UTC

She just dies

2019-02-19 19:38:04 UTC


2019-02-19 19:38:08 UTC

.yt eric hayden ceo

2019-02-19 19:38:11 UTC

she just is**

2019-02-19 19:38:13 UTC

it's not pedophilia if you're age fluid <:strawman:372034857099984897>

2019-02-19 19:38:17 UTC

I dont think she has anything else to do

2019-02-19 19:38:29 UTC

does anyone else not give a shit about money when you have to lose your mind to get it?

2019-02-19 19:38:39 UTC

Shes from like fucking Washington state so she has no family here

2019-02-19 19:38:41 UTC

@Double Negative yea body work, repair work, motor work

2019-02-19 19:38:44 UTC

we do it all

2019-02-19 19:38:46 UTC

its fucking stressful getting dat $$$

2019-02-19 19:38:53 UTC

my grandfather got stuck doing that kind of stuff

2019-02-19 19:39:00 UTC

he's amazing at it but his career is stuck as a mechanic

2019-02-19 19:39:01 UTC

Idk what she even spends her money on

2019-02-19 19:39:18 UTC

Shes either at the warehouse or asleep

2019-02-19 19:39:18 UTC

cat food

2019-02-19 19:39:19 UTC

There was a Gay Puerto Rican gay at my work place that got hit by my friend on a forklift and Temporarily couldn't move his legs

2019-02-19 19:39:33 UTC

@Double Negative stuck? it's a good career

2019-02-19 19:39:35 UTC

people lose minds but nobody ever finds one

2019-02-19 19:39:37 UTC

just be safw

2019-02-19 19:39:41 UTC


2019-02-19 19:39:45 UTC

lots of chemicals

2019-02-19 19:39:50 UTC

yeah but it wrecks havoc on your body

2019-02-19 19:39:54 UTC

there's never a mind just lying on the sidewalk

2019-02-19 19:39:57 UTC

She gets like 7 weeks vacation caus shes been there forver so every year she vanished for like two months

2019-02-19 19:39:58 UTC

even if you stay safe with chemicals, the strain will build up

2019-02-19 19:40:13 UTC

I bet she goes to like Thailand and does crazy shit or something idk

2019-02-19 19:40:19 UTC


2019-02-19 19:40:22 UTC

eventually it will

2019-02-19 19:40:25 UTC

she goes to africa

2019-02-19 19:40:27 UTC

and fucks niggers

2019-02-19 19:40:33 UTC

maybe she's a scientologist

2019-02-19 19:40:34 UTC

but by the time I'm done ill be an old man and retired

2019-02-19 19:40:35 UTC
