Message from @Fash Dragon
Discord ID: 413066041313460225
Almost 100% sure.
if anyone was a mutual friend I'd imagine it was @CatoHostilius lol
TradCats are fine but these guys need Hitler.
yeah this guy is a literallywho
I'm not well versed enough on Christianity to go in on this guy rn
But even I know he's a retard
Yeah that’s pretty clear
Are these people in this group actually doing anything IRL? Or are the just larping online pretending they're monarch Catholics
The latter.
I mean no harm in being broadly friendly I guess but they need to understand their place lol.
I wonder who it is they want to be their King
and why
I think many of them don't plan that far ahead
Tbh I think it's hard to be a monarchist with NS principles in this day and age
It is
I was one
Of all the forms of government that have different ways of making sure the best person leads, they pick the one that has no such guarantee
And we know who (((that))) would end up being
Would we be ruling on the basis of divine right ?
Or just on who had the most resources
It's a foolish ideology when you really pars it out
how many completely shit kings did our ancestors have?
maybe there are better ways of choosing the next leader than whoever the last one's eldest son is
I hate to rip on Europeans but the feudal system was not the best
It supported nepotism too much
And call me a democracuck but I think representation of tax paying citizens is important
Sorry buddy
You can't trust an appointed person with absolute authority
I don't support democracy by any means
But there's benefits to republicanism
Representation in some form, sure
but having a strong central leader that doesn't have to have endless debating is more efficient
Pre fucking cisely
I care about efficient government
And a democracy trades efficiency for feelings
BAHAHAHA these jews