Message from @laurefinwë

Discord ID: 611115103462359040

2019-08-14 08:11:00 UTC  

All the responses to that tweet are cringe

2019-08-14 08:11:02 UTC  

It hurts

2019-08-14 08:12:14 UTC  


2019-08-14 08:19:24 UTC  

It's sad. They dont even realize how society conditions them into making poor choices of mates. They end up with the "bad boy" who leaves them with a bastard kid they have to raise by themselves and considers themselves happier for it because they're a strong independent wammin that doesn't need a man to support her because she has a _career_

2019-08-14 08:25:05 UTC  

**The female is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a thot, roastie, slut , it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But take off her makeup and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."**

2019-08-14 08:25:20 UTC  


2019-08-14 08:30:23 UTC  

bad boiz

2019-08-14 08:31:10 UTC  

Bad goys

2019-08-14 08:31:18 UTC  

Bad goys bad goys

2019-08-14 08:31:23 UTC  

Whatcha gonna do

2019-08-14 08:31:28 UTC  

Whatcha gonna do

2019-08-14 08:31:33 UTC  

When they come for you

2019-08-14 08:31:44 UTC  


2019-08-14 08:31:52 UTC  

It isn't even society doing it. I'm from a traditional shithole and my mom (with many others) too went for a bad boy then was left a single mother. It's on an instinctual level. Dominant = good mating partner. It's also natural for strong men to spread their genes with more than one woman, while the weak cling to the partner they found as there might not be another chance. It all goes subconsciously. So it's extremely important for us, as a race, to get rid of instincts.

2019-08-14 08:32:08 UTC  

You guys made me recall my ex telling me she's into bad boiz before we ended up together

2019-08-14 08:32:15 UTC  

@Kisaragi You still live in a <:society:529540702460444672>

2019-08-14 08:32:30 UTC  

It's a shitshole society but it's still a society

2019-08-14 08:33:01 UTC  

This shit wouldn't fly in a world without money as a fallback though

2019-08-14 08:33:03 UTC  

What Kisa says is actually kind of true
I'd rather say we see a return to more primal mating systems recently

2019-08-14 08:33:06 UTC  

Now imagine if there were no instincts

2019-08-14 08:33:14 UTC  

Marriage is a peak <:society:529540702460444672> invention

2019-08-14 08:33:23 UTC  

Monogamous one I mean

2019-08-14 08:33:42 UTC  


2019-08-14 08:34:04 UTC  

I dunno about that, Kisa. I think its more, women weigh their options with what they have available to them and while the 'bad bois' offer one mating strategy , the more stable long term partners offer another. I don't think women are sitting there going for bad boyz with the expectation that it won;t last, at least, not consciously.

2019-08-14 08:34:05 UTC  

It was meant as a mean to fight social unrest from incels
So we invented the concept of monogamous marriage so (nearly) no one is left out

2019-08-14 08:34:19 UTC  

What we need is a technological advancement

2019-08-14 08:34:21 UTC  

It was a purely socio-cybernetic invention

2019-08-14 08:34:26 UTC  

Marriage is K selection

2019-08-14 08:34:41 UTC  

Which isn't an invention of society dummy

2019-08-14 08:35:12 UTC  

yeah its just a natural extension of goign for a long term stable partner, isn't it ?

2019-08-14 08:35:21 UTC  

They don't understand that it wouldn't last. They are just going to the dominant mate like a moth to the light @Necrosisinthebutt

2019-08-14 08:36:05 UTC  

no females like that just prefer r-selection

2019-08-14 08:36:30 UTC  

they don't realize it but its a subconscious thing

2019-08-14 08:37:00 UTC  

I mean, perhaps. but I don;t think it's that cut and dry. i think there's various gradations between. ex . if you;re stuck in a place with nothing BUT 'bad boys' you have to adapt your strategy soemhow.

2019-08-14 08:37:10 UTC  
2019-08-14 08:37:16 UTC  

I remember stefan having a video on selections

2019-08-14 08:37:43 UTC  

I remember watching these Walking with... series we were talking about here once
And you know how pre-modern mating looked according to them?
Pre-modern humanoids would live in small tribe communities, where the leader of the herd would have access to all tribe's females and the rest of the males to none
And beta males were just trying to cuck the leader when he wouldn't see them

2019-08-14 08:38:08 UTC  

Yeah true but that doesn't rule out the other things. Like okay there are only bad boys around but then she goes for the most dominant one

2019-08-14 08:38:17 UTC  

so, liek today but more striaghtforward

2019-08-14 08:38:18 UTC  

Of course, there are many different evolutionary strategies

2019-08-14 08:38:24 UTC  

That makes no sense @laurefinwë