Message from @laurefinwë

Discord ID: 575738377425649713

2019-05-06 15:32:31 UTC  

That's actually a real chad move tbh

2019-05-06 15:42:50 UTC

2019-05-06 15:42:56 UTC  


2019-05-06 19:24:43 UTC  


2019-05-06 22:53:53 UTC  

Country of birth of immigrants in Sweden:

2019-05-07 10:58:55 UTC

2019-05-07 10:59:07 UTC  

PS that's factually true

2019-05-07 12:53:15 UTC  


2019-05-07 12:53:20 UTC  


2019-05-07 12:53:23 UTC  

<:varg:531496271920496640> <:varg:531496271920496640> <:varg:531496271920496640> <:varg:531496271920496640>

2019-05-07 12:58:13 UTC  

Shocking photo revealed by fbi proves Trump's connection to Russian goverment. In the picture it is clearly visibly how undercover Trump is on the ground begging for mercy surrounded by supposedly russian secret agents.

2019-05-07 20:06:59 UTC  

Projected GDP growth for 2019 in Europe

2019-05-07 20:07:01 UTC  


2019-05-07 20:07:03 UTC  


2019-05-07 22:02:29 UTC  

Hot take: Arabia before Islam could have become a world superpower, but religion ruined it (I realize that there was religion before, but this specific family of religions are particular shitty)

2019-05-07 22:02:50 UTC  

That's not really a hot take

2019-05-07 22:03:06 UTC  

unless the hot and super surprising bit is that you might have skimmed a wikipedia article on the arabian peninsula

2019-05-08 07:40:10 UTC  

Arabia wasn't even unified in any way before Islam, it was just a bunch of people speaking different languages stuck on the same peninsula, so how could it become a super power if it wasn't even a thing?

I mean, it was unified only for a short while after Islam, but what Islam did was cultural and linguistic unification of Arabia and arabization of neighbouring regions like Levant, Egypt and Maghreb

And what's important is that different Arabian states were already great regional powers in our timeline and imo Oman at some point could be even considered a world power

The other thing is that without Islam and Caliphate Sassanids wouldn't get btfo, so it's very likely that Iran/Persia would just conquer most of the peninsula sooner or later

Islam as a religion is shit, but that doesn't mean if it wasn't a thing Arabia would become a superpower
The statement is ridiculous, there are too many variables you'd have to consider and religion is just one of them
Arabia as a whole could do better without Islam, but it's just as probable if not more that it would actually do worse

Erasing Islam from the history creates a massive butterfly effect and it's really hard to predict how the world would look now after 1,5k of years

2019-05-08 17:33:36 UTC  

@laurefinwë I most certainly agree with this fellow
Arabia was at its peak during Islam. Before that it was comparitive to Africa/Mongolia with having too many tribes.
Unlike Mongolia, Arabia would never unite under one regime without there being a main state religion.

Arabs killed each other because they all had different religions, this was not the case with Genghis Khan because he gave freedom of religion.

Arabs have no culture, meaning there's no reason to be nationalist and fight/serve your country

2019-05-08 17:38:45 UTC  

Arabs do have common culture, but the first thing is that it wasn't only Arabs that were living in the Arabian peninsula at that time, and the second thing is that Arabian culture started unifing the most during Islamic era

2019-05-08 17:49:17 UTC  

The Ghassanid tribe literally enslaved other Arabs for being too dark. Deeming them lesser human for being from the South and being melanin enriched.

90% of Arabian culture (Saudi Arabia and not MENA) derives from Islam. So no Islam means no common culture

2019-05-08 17:50:00 UTC  

Hey Faggots,

My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it's fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.

Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "jack off to naked drawn Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch

2019-05-08 17:50:30 UTC

2019-05-08 17:51:23 UTC  

Wrong server fag

2019-05-08 17:52:31 UTC  

Fuck did u say u lil bitch

2019-05-08 17:52:33 UTC  

@Şerfediñov South Arabians are the whole other thing that Arabs, that what I was talking about
Their languages belonged/belongs to a different language family

2019-05-08 17:52:46 UTC  

Also, I hate how you think the internet is just some fantasy land where you can say whatever the fuck you want & get away with it, Bitch im really from the streets I just do this internet shit for fun. Best believe you Better watch watch your motherfucking mouth cause on my daughter grave ill beat the fuck outta you ol lame ass cartoon internet nigga.

2019-05-08 18:01:53 UTC  

You've got a good point there. But it's just another reason why they would not be successful. I support you in this argument that Arabia would not be a world superpower if not for Islam

2019-05-08 18:02:11 UTC  

Also wtf is wrong with you @JOHN

2019-05-08 18:09:09 UTC  

how do none of you recognize this

2019-05-08 18:10:29 UTC  

You mean the John copypasta that I thought we were just gonna ignore?

2019-05-08 18:10:39 UTC  

Because it's that low effort

2019-05-08 18:10:46 UTC  

Thanks Laure

2019-05-08 18:12:20 UTC  

For what?

2019-05-08 18:12:25 UTC  

He left himself

2019-05-08 18:12:36 UTC  

i just realized that

2019-05-08 18:12:39 UTC  

thanks for nothing

2019-05-08 18:12:44 UTC  


2019-05-08 18:12:48 UTC  

I can do that all day

2019-05-08 18:12:51 UTC  
