Message from @Exquisite Corpse

Discord ID: 655183497291628570

2019-12-13 22:48:17 UTC  

I'm quoting the beginning of The Abolition of Work

2019-12-13 22:48:38 UTC  

the same way people on here quote the opening to ISAIF

2019-12-13 22:49:01 UTC  

because NEET anarchism is something I'm passionate about

2019-12-13 22:49:28 UTC  

I think it really starts: "Nobody should ever have to work."

2019-12-13 22:49:52 UTC  


2019-12-13 22:51:07 UTC  

@Terl procuring the basic resources needed for life is work

2019-12-13 22:51:10 UTC  

Everyone has to work

2019-12-13 22:53:02 UTC  

yeah, he defines it as 'coerced labor'

2019-12-13 22:55:18 UTC  

and doesnt count things like subsistenc
e or whatever

2019-12-13 22:58:40 UTC  

Thats big brained

2019-12-13 22:58:50 UTC  

Abolish coerced labor

2019-12-13 22:59:00 UTC  

2019-12-13 23:01:10 UTC  
2019-12-13 23:03:38 UTC  


2019-12-13 23:03:39 UTC  


2019-12-13 23:03:47 UTC  

I'm basically retarded

2019-12-13 23:04:22 UTC  

no yer naught

2019-12-13 23:04:25 UTC  

Should I go to an immune support class or an autoimmune diet class

2019-12-13 23:04:32 UTC  

I have issues with neither

2019-12-13 23:04:53 UTC  

Bob Black's ideas are all too idealist for me

2019-12-13 23:05:18 UTC  

unless I'm confusing him with someone else, which I probably am

2019-12-13 23:05:51 UTC  

Mmmm lamb is on sale

2019-12-13 23:06:25 UTC  

Is this the guy that insisted that hunter-gatherers were having fun all the time or was that someone else Terl

2019-12-13 23:08:07 UTC  

I think that was root and Necro

2019-12-13 23:08:27 UTC  


2019-12-13 23:09:21 UTC  

@Exquisite Corpse That was Tex

2019-12-13 23:09:47 UTC  

And its not that they were having fun but that they had more leisure time than most other civilizations

2019-12-13 23:10:06 UTC  

Which is actually true

2019-12-13 23:10:35 UTC  

Oh, btw root

2019-12-13 23:10:57 UTC  

If Spooky and hedge are white sisters can we please be brown brothers then

2019-12-13 23:11:06 UTC  


2019-12-13 23:11:12 UTC  

Based and brownpilled

2019-12-13 23:11:50 UTC  

Why do you want to be brown so badly?

2019-12-13 23:13:06 UTC  

Slavs aren't brown though

2019-12-13 23:13:36 UTC  

@Wiz @Exquisite Corpse He posted a pic of his brother

2019-12-13 23:13:44 UTC  

Laure's def brown

2019-12-13 23:13:51 UTC  

I'll believe it when I see Laure

2019-12-13 23:14:13 UTC  


2019-12-13 23:14:21 UTC  

I thought he was memeing too

2019-12-13 23:14:25 UTC  

But he posted proof

2019-12-13 23:14:29 UTC  

he posted a picture of something he was working on in his garage