Message from @BrokenHeartedLiberal
Discord ID: 388619982768177153
aww man they cut the article short again
it was longer before
>its a fact that bosnian people sometimes do self combust
>the summer heat and high alcohol content in the blood
I see why you use C-4 instead....
wat c4 where
i was refrencing something from this meme page
lol but its not there now
it used to be way longer
are you trying to imply bosniaks aree terrorists or something?
>Implying I was implying 😛
but it doesnt make sense lmao
I jest
worst terrorists ever , all they do is drink and never blow shit up
i think everyones too poor to buy big boom boom stuff
Probably for the best
So which are you Croat, Bosniak, or Serb?
im mixed
yay interfaith marriages
not many people do that
my father was never a strict muslim
he was just born to one
like his father before him
etc etc
mmm socialist utopia
sad he did that
instead of facing his fact
the fact he is acriminal
well hey at least we made meme status!
now croats have a meme too
Wasn't he like the 3rd one to commit suicide? Someone hired some shit guards
well i dont know any serbs who killed themselves
one thing
that bugs me
this role colour is so neon
really hard to read names
do you use a white discord background?