Message from @NotSoBot
Discord ID: 362495295734415360
__ErisBot Help__
**.help** - A list of helpful commands (this)
**.status** - Status of ErisBot
**.ping** - Reply with a pong! Used to test response time
**.ud** - Search Urban Dictionary
**.weather** - Check the weather
**.roll** - Roll a number!
**.8ball** - Ask the 8ball
**.fml** - Random Fml Quote
**.userinfo** - Get userData about a user
**.serverinfo** - Get information about this Discord server
**.yoda** - Learn how to speak like me someday, you will. Oh wait. Herh herh herh.
**.overwatch** - Get an Overwatch player's stats!
**.giveme** - Give users a role with just a command
**.prefix** - Set a custom prefix for Eris
**.slowmode** - Forcefully slow down the channel speed
**.command** - Disable/enable specific commands
**.announce** - Announcements for users join/leaving your guild!
**.music** - Music Features
**.twitter** - Live Twitter feeds straight to your channels
**.twitch** - Get notifications when your favorite twitch streamers go live!
**.cc** - Currency Converter
**.clean** - Clean my messages
**.inviteme** - Invite me to your server
[**FML**] Today, just like every other day, I was woken up 2 hours earlier than I needed to be, by the alarm belonging to my upstairs neighbors. They won't wake up until their real alarm goes off: me, pounding the walls and yelling in frustration. FML :face_palm:
[**FML**] Today, I woke up to my car covered in shaving cream and tampons and the word CHEATER written on my windshield in lipstick. The guy a few doors down from me in my dorm has the same car as me. I'm a virgin. FML :face_palm:
[**FML**] Today, my older brother managed to convince my younger sister that she's actually a boy, and that she'll soon be getting a penis in the mail, which she excitedly told everyone she could. He convinced me of the exact same thing as well several years ago. FML :face_palm:
.8ball Is @ErisBot retarded?
[**8Ball**] 🔮 Yes, definitely :blush:
Command: **music** **<function>** **[args]**
Description: Play your favorite songs straight from YouTube
**play** [URL/Video Title] - Start playing/play a song from YouTube/SoundCloud
**pause** - Pause the current song
**volume** [0 - 100] - Changed the volume of the music. _Admin/DJ Overridable_
**queue** [Page number] - View the Music queue and select which page
**skip** [number] - Vote to skip a song. Requires 40% of undefeaned users to skip
**forceskip** - Force skip the song _Admin/DJ Only_
**nowplaying** - View what's playing
**stop** - Stops the player and completely resets everything _Admin/DJ Only_
**verbose [yes/no]** - Should I be a bit more detailed? _Admin/DJ Only_
`music play`
DJ's can be defined with a role called "DJ"
[**Music**] `BrokenHeartedLiberal#4775` has added `twenty one pilots: Cancer (Cover) [LYRIC VIDEO]` to the queue. (`03:57`) [`0`]
.music stop
[**Music**] Successfully stopped the player. `0` songs were cleared.
>>5849856 Haha smol bopine!
>>391591250 It's not missing anything, the effects are just higher resolution so now they don't look like smeared vaseline.
.[green|greentext|>] <txt>
.[sodomizedsheepsay|sodomizedsheep] <txt>
.sodomizedsheepsay Surprise
< Surprise >
\ __
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\ ( )
\ /--\
__ / \ \
UooU\.'@@@@@@`.\ )
\__/(@@@@@@@@@@) /
`YY~~~~YY' \\
|| || >>```
âš Unable to download or verify URL is valid.
.eyes red
.eyes red