Message from @GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍
Discord ID: 552882894989688843
-define UFU
Look at these commoners
@The89thOptimist make me bot master plz
15 tags wow
Pigs will shit hexagonal ice pellets in hell before you become Bot Master dude @UfU
<:youtube:335112740957978625> **Searching** 🔎 ``
**Playing** 🎶 `How To Hypnotize Humans Session 1` - Now!
✅ **Enqueued `7` songs**
My phone died when I was trying to explain past life regression
There’s a lot but I personalized this one for my friend
First it goes like
Remember something you did today
@Sinbad do you use an iphone?
Remember something you did an hour ago
Remember something you did last night
Until it goes all the way to ur child hood
Till before ur born
But usually someone is walking u through saying what did you see what are they wearing what are they saying is it a boy or a girl
@POGGMATHON im starting my own party in Game Chat
so that it doesn't bother with the general intention of this server
To help u visualize
And remember more
And yes
i am gonna play CS now
tnx for spreading knowledge
They trying to make people pay thousands of cash to take that course