Message from @POGGMATHON
Discord ID: 555116039868907539
aliens didnt make us
Then who did
Well you believe in him them who made him
you cant answer it, you have to start a spiritual journey to find out
good luck
I'm not spiritual
I will find another way
well you cant find out then i am sorry to say that, you have to find the natural way and not artificial
If the human body can get lose enough to death, maybe we can get a glimpse of who really made us maybe its god maybe it's aliens
Science may be the answer
aliens does not exist
science is a lie
Really because some of Jesus disciples believed I'm science
Nobody believed in god making people
christianity came from hinduism
The am believed spontaneous generation
A mouse from some straw
Flies from meat
Funny thing I'm not spirutaul
I don't read Vedas or bibles
I believe someone other than god made us maybe its aliens but bit cant be god
Because maybe god was a alien
He had gifts somebody non human could have
Jesus did
And when he rose from the dead maybe he was getting sucked into a space ship
So now that that is done I've got to fat back to my life as a atheist
Am I the only one here that has a job?
Can I get undeafened
What the fuck...
I wanna talk shit all day.
You guys are living your best lives.
Can someone undeafen me
I know grizzly won’t do it
@-Joe pls <:sadcat:511590629856378901>