Message from @blue terry crews
Discord ID: 555201322249355264
Tam add me on sc il send u bible verses daily
Mattew 5:9 best verse ever
<:reee:511590481134878720> <:reee:511590481134878720> <:reee:511590481134878720> <:reee:511590481134878720>
psalm 27:4
And John 15:13
Calling a guy beautiful is kinda gay
Oh fuck
The world tree
I know that from god of war
I believe in some form of Valhalla
I played god of war so I’m a expert in Norse mythology <:bigbrain:511590630313689100>
Qu.: If "scientific consensus is that these fears are unsubstantiated", then why is Thiomersal "no longer used as a preservative in routine childhood vaccination schedules."???
*"Its use as a vaccine preservative was controversial, and it was phased out from routine childhood vaccines in the European Union, and a few other countries in response to popular fears.[5] As of 2019, scientific consensus is that these fears are unsubstantiated."*
*"In the United States, countries in the European Union and a few other affluent countries, thiomersal is no longer used as a preservative in routine childhood vaccination schedules.[5] In the U.S., the only exceptions among vaccines routinely recommended for children are some formulations of the inactivated influenza vaccine for children older than two years.[14] Several vaccines that are not routinely recommended for young children do contain thiomersal, including DT (diphtheria and tetanus), Td (tetanus and diphtheria), and TT (tetanus toxoid); other vaccines may contain a trace of thiomersal from steps in manufacture.[12] The multi-dose versions of the influenza vaccines Fluvirin and Fluzone can contain up to 25 micrograms of mercury per dose from thiomersal.[15][16] Also, four rarely used treatments for pit viper, coral snake, and black widow venom still contain thiomersal."* - *<>*
Posting in increments god damn
"i preach to ppl on discord"*
Oh no here comes gay grizzly
Now that's a good Christian.
@blue terry crews If you insult me one more time I'll mute you.\
oh boii