Message from @duke
Discord ID: 555379041096564736
@Comandant your mic has a bit of an echo
Good morning/afternoon
@everyone This VC is lit and entertaining AF tonight. Thanks members ✌️🤣
I can’t hear @GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍ in VC anyone else?
I'm helping to unsheathe the Truth dude. I would appreciate your support rather than your snidely-made side-swipes that are vacuous at best, and degenerate at worst. <:morty:534348220634234891> @crozz
nice pic nyoki
I just think there is a land between high school debate, and arguing. It is called conversation. And that is what i like.
thats not like a gene that causes suicidal ideation though im pretty sure
like isnt it just a genetic problem on the microscopic level
where the cells kill itself
None of these people have these problems
These problems are all created by society
i mean they have a society
i think you mean like developed industrialized civ
Suicide in science
The Center for Disease Control defines suicide as "when people direct violence at themselves with the intent to end their lives, and they die as a result of their actions."
What is the question about railroads?
Why and or how did the government allow or facilitate the consolidation
<@482640867744677928> your mic is feedbacking crazy
hard to hear crozz
The only reason some animals self-harm is because of some idiot human actions that have created that issue/situation.
<@482640867744677928> please respond once you have reduced your background noise. You have been muted temporarily for mic spam.
Pacific Railroad Act of 1862. They were issued at the rate of $16,000 per mile of tracked grade completed west of the designated base of the Sierra Nevada range near Roseville, CA where California state geologist Josiah Whitney had determined were the geologic start of the Sierras' foothills.[9] Sec. 11 of the Act also provided that the issuance of bonds "shall be treble the number per mile" (to $48,000) for tracked grade completed over and within the two mountain ranges (but limited to a total of 300 miles (480 km) at this rate), and "doubled" (to $32,000) per mile of completed grade laid between the two mountain ranges.[10] The U.S. Government Bonds, which constituted a lien upon the railroads and all their fixtures, were repaid in full (and with interest) by the company as and when they became due.
This my jam!
I wrote a 42 page paper on the Chinese that built the CPRR
Murder suicides have been linked to mental illness in every mass shooting and murder suicide in the media. It is among the first investigative questions after the act and it is estimated that between 19% to 64% of murder/suicide perpetrators suffered from depression. Investigating the correlation between murder/suicide with mental disorders has been stigmatized, and all but ignored by the CDC.
not my question
asked for the ratio of murder suicides to suicides
not the ratio of murder suicide people with depression