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Discord ID: 551022034876891136

2019-03-01 12:29:35 UTC  

-define namco

2019-03-01 12:29:35 UTC  

**Namco**: A Japanese game developer & publisher responsible for some great titles, such as:
* Pac-Mania (Pac-Man with Pixar style graphics and jumping)
* Galaga '88
* Dragon Spirit & Dragon Saber
* Assault (tank game with [Mode 7] style special effects, even better than what the SNES can dish out though)
* [Splatterhouse] series
* Ridge Racer
* Time Crisis series
* Tekken series
* [Crisis Zone]
* Razing Storm (the "Complete Destruction Machine Gun Game"- very good whether it's at the arcade or on PS3)
* Deadstorm Pirates (if you can't find it at your arcade, it's in Time Crisis: Razing Storm for PS3)
... and many more.
*[Namco's] lightgun games are seriously [worth] [checking out].*
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2019-03-01 12:29:43 UTC  

Namco Bandai

2019-03-01 12:29:48 UTC  

-define konami

2019-03-01 12:29:48 UTC  

**Konami**: 1.)Japanese word literally meaning "small wave".

2.)The name of a videogame company that has been known throughout its history to release high-quality videogames of all kinds of genres and systems. Konami is particularly well-known for such games as:
*Metal Gear
*Zone Of [Enders]
*[Silent Hill]
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
...among MANY other titles throughout its history, a lot of which happened to be pre-licensed. Konami should not be forgotten for having released a LOT of arcade games during the 80's, including pre-licensed games like The Simpsons & [TMNT], both of which were awesome side-scrolling action games. Another arcade-only game, Vendetta, had a character named Hawk, who looked just like Hulk Hogan!
Today Konami continues to be the force behind multiple consoles, including the 128-bit systems and [Gameboy Advance]. Konami has a lot of cool titles, but their best happens to be Metal Gear Solid, ZOE, Silent Hill, and TMNT (well, this game flopped, but I sure do hope the sequel has much-needed improvements, as good as TMNT is).
*"Konami rules. ^_^ but I miss the old wave [logo] they used to have above their it's replaced by a red-colored logo that resembles the end of a [katana]. [-_-] *sigh* I miss the old wave logo..."
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2019-03-01 12:29:58 UTC  

-define hideo kojima

2019-03-01 12:29:58 UTC  

**Hideo Kojima**: Japanese video game designer currently employed by [Konami] Computer Entertainment Japan. Most widely recognized as the designer of the Metal Gear video game series. Generally regarded as the reigning master of [postmodern] game design, and perhaps second only to [Shigeru Miyamoto] in terms of current influence on the gaming industry.
*[Hideo Kojima's] efforts in game [design] will shape [the industry] for years to come.*
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2019-03-01 12:30:15 UTC  

Kojima 👌

2019-03-01 12:30:16 UTC  

-define huku

2019-03-01 12:30:16 UTC  

**huku jin**: You were describing a [white man]
*[Boy]: [Bradley] [shut the fuck up] you fucking huku jin*
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2019-03-01 12:30:29 UTC  

huku jin

2019-03-01 12:30:38 UTC  

-define jin

2019-03-01 12:30:38 UTC  

**Jin**: Jin is a Korean singer who is in the group called [BTS] and is super cute. He is always left out and has the least singing parts in the BTS songs. He has an amazing voice, but only gets to show it in his own song titled "Awake" ( I recommend you look it up on YouTube). He always eats and is feeding the BTS members when he can and he is so funny he would make you [fall down] and laugh all day. He is the oldest in the BTS group but never gets recognized though he sings like no-one else. He dyes his hair various different colors and is the smartest as he stares at everything with interest. He is my [favorite person] in the whole world. [XOXO]
*"Jin is a [member] of [BTS]"*
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2019-03-01 12:30:56 UTC  


2019-03-01 12:31:01 UTC  

K-pop = Gay

2019-03-01 12:44:12 UTC  

-define odd

2019-03-01 12:44:13 UTC  

**odd**: a [number] that is not divisable by two is said to [be an] odd number; whereas [numbers] divisable by two are said to be even numbers
*1,3,5,7,9 are [odd numbers] - 2,4,6,8,[10] are even [numbers]*
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2019-03-01 12:44:24 UTC  

-define even

2019-03-01 12:44:25 UTC  

**Even**: [Verb]. [Something] that [white girls] can't do.
*"Oh my god [Janet]! Did you see [that girl's] dress? Like [I can't even]!"*
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2019-03-01 12:44:50 UTC  

-define getting even

2019-03-01 12:44:50 UTC  

**to get even**: [to do] something to someone to [even] out what they did [to you]
*I heard [Emily] was talking [about me] behind my back. I am going to have to get even with her and [talk about] her behind her back.*
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2019-03-01 12:45:06 UTC  

-define yolky

2019-03-01 12:45:06 UTC  

**Yolky**: When you go to a [diner] for breakfast, they give you large [portions] of food along with eggs over-easy and the [yolk] gets all over your food.
*Customer: Man, my food is all [yolky]!
[Waitress]: You shouldn't have eaten [the eggs] first, stooopeeed.*
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2019-03-01 12:46:14 UTC  

-define soup

2019-03-01 12:46:14 UTC  

**SOUP**: SOUP= [sOfTwArE] oF [uNknOwN] [pEdIgReE]
*wHo WaNtS sOmE [sOuP]??????????*
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2019-03-01 12:53:54 UTC  

-define pudding

2019-03-01 12:53:54 UTC  

**PUDDING**: Yelling PUDDING is very good way of [distracting] a nurse at a [mental hospital] when you are in a [tricky situation].
*#DeanWinchester in #Supernatural pulles his [pants down], arms up and yelles PUDDING, while flapping his penis around. Since he and his brother was undercover in a [mental hospital], this was quite normal so the nurse didn't quiestion why they were in the [mortuary].
And after that we all learned that crazy works.*
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2019-03-01 12:57:30 UTC  

-define banchode

2019-03-01 12:57:31 UTC  

**Banchode**: [Sister fucker] in the "[Hindi]" language.

[Ban] = Sister
Chode = Fucker
Banchode = Sister fucker
*[Tu] [banchode] [hai].*
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2019-03-01 13:06:05 UTC  

-define Word of God

2019-03-01 13:06:05 UTC  

**Word**: 1) [well said]
2)said in a [agreement]
3) can be used as a greeting, hey [whats up]
*1..and 2...Yo u [goin] to that rocks [tanite]....word
3) [word up]*
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2019-03-01 13:06:27 UTC  

-define rock

2019-03-01 13:06:27 UTC  

**rock**: used to [defeat] [scissors] in [a game]
*[aha]! [my rock] beat your [scissors]!*
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2019-03-01 13:07:02 UTC  

t!rps scissors

2019-03-01 13:07:03 UTC  

I'm choosing **Paper**! 🖐 **SCISSORS** wins!

2019-03-01 13:07:17 UTC  

t!rps paper

2019-03-01 13:07:17 UTC  

I'm choosing **Scissors**! ✌ **SCISSORS** wins!

2019-03-01 13:07:38 UTC  

t!rps rock

2019-03-01 13:07:38 UTC  

I'm choosing **Scissors**! ✌ **ROCK** wins!

2019-03-01 13:11:15 UTC  

-define page 118

2019-03-01 13:11:15 UTC  

**118**: the three number that start every [directory] enquiries number in [britan], most of which have an addictivly annoying [tune]
*[dial] 118 [TWICE] 118!*
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