Message from

Discord ID: 551173050570113045

2019-03-01 22:41:17 UTC  

**C++**: A [programming language] for [Real Men]. Most languages try to provide a simplified way to solve specific problems well. C++ makes no such [concession] and tries to be mediocre at everything. It lets you program at a very high level, and a very low level in the same program. It lets you write procedural code, object oriented code, generic code and mix them all up. It makes you decide everything and provides no help if you get it wrong.

It is by far the biggest, most complicated, ugly, down-right dangerous language you can use. But it does run fast. It takes at least twice as long to program in C++ as any other major language (except C).

The men who program in C++ are Real Men. The women who program in C++ are Real Men too. You can spot a C++ programmer from their testosterone fueled swagger, and the unbelievable amount of contempt they inject into the phrase Java "programmer". They'll probably do the air quotes and all.
*Dev: 'Hey, Reg, you know C++ right? What does:
".\src\[Cont].[cpp](52) : error C2679: binary '=' : no operator found which takes a right-hand operand of type 'int' (or there is no acceptable conversion)
C:\Program Files\Microsoft [Visual Studio] 8\VC\include\vector([392]): could be 'std::_Vector_iterator<_Ty, _Alloc> &std::_Vector_iterator<_Ty, _Alloc>::operator =([const] std::_Vector_iterator<_Ty, _Alloc> &)' with _Ty=Main::Cont, _Alloc=std::allocator<Main::Cont> while trying to match the argument list '(std::_Vector_iterator<_Ty, _Alloc>, int)' with _Ty=Main::Cont, _Alloc=std::allocator<Main::Cont> " mean?'

Reg: 'You missed a semicolon at the end of the line.'
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2019-03-01 22:41:47 UTC  

-define c

2019-03-01 22:41:48 UTC  

**C**: [C is for cookie], [that's good] enough [for me].
*when you take a [bite] from a [cookie], it looks like [a C]*
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2019-03-01 22:42:13 UTC  

-define internet cookies

2019-03-01 22:42:14 UTC  

**internet**: A [vast] [array] of wordpornography/word and [advertisements].
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2019-03-01 22:42:22 UTC  

-define pascal

2019-03-01 22:42:22 UTC  

**Pascal**: A very handsome and [sexy guy]. He is also tall and really good in relationships and is very loyal to his partner. A Pascal might seem awkward at first, bit once you get to know him he is really funny and [hyper]. Pascal can also be a real asshole sometimes but he is [a good friend] most of the time.
*"[dude] Pascal is so [awkward]"
"Pascal is [fucking hot]"*
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2019-03-01 22:42:31 UTC  

-define cookies

2019-03-01 22:42:32 UTC  

**cookies**: the [slang] term used among [stoners] to discribe [weed]
*dude did you bring [the cookies] i [brought] [the papers]*
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2019-03-01 22:42:34 UTC  

Wtf ummm no

2019-03-01 22:42:46 UTC  


2019-03-01 22:42:49 UTC  

And yes @Nyoki I have made a few bits

2019-03-01 22:42:54 UTC  


2019-03-01 22:43:36 UTC  

-define chocolate

2019-03-01 22:43:36 UTC  

**Chocolate**: Any type of [african-american] male. Usually [VERY attractive] and [yummy]. Can be used to talk about the "delishiousness" of a guy.
*That [chocolate] is [making] my [mouth water].*
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2019-03-01 22:43:39 UTC  

-define refugee

2019-03-01 22:43:39 UTC  

**Refugee**: [Refugees] are the second highest [tier] in the class structure of the European Union. The highest tier is occupied by government officials from the European Parliament right down to local government officials. The lowest tier are the untouchable [serf] classes of Europe, the taxpayer-citizens who were unfortunate enough to be born in their countries of citizenship, and often hold outdated views and dangerous beliefs about local, national and cultural identity.
*EU [Commissar]: These protesters against refugees can put their heads in the sand, but strength through diversity is the way of the future.

Globalist financier: You are too kind. Of course there will be cultural friction, but aside from our [moral obligations], the economic opportunities arising from the disruption of the refugee influx will create prosperity.

Democratic Socialist: Can't you see those protesting the refugees are racists and Nazis? We need to direct our law enforcement firmly against the xenophobes, isolate and censure them, and protect the refugees.

Police Chief: That's what we've been doing. Cracking down on [home-grown] Islamophobia and racist social media, and at the same time assisting refugees to integrate.

European Citizen: (inappropriate comments have been flagged and deleted).*
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2019-03-01 22:44:37 UTC  

-define greater than

2019-03-01 22:44:37 UTC  

**MC Greater Than**: A member of the southwest rap group [rilla dope] and formerly known as MC [Ducats] n' Buckets. Raps characterized by old school beats, MC GT revives the art for a [new generation].
*MC Greater Than just [came] out with this new [jive] called Over and [Done].*
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2019-03-01 22:44:55 UTC  

-define >

2019-03-01 22:44:55 UTC  

**>**: [Shorthand] for "[implying]."
Originated from [greentext].
*Example 1:

A) Everyone on Youtube is saying that [it sucks].
B) >[basing] anything on [Youtube comments].

Example 2:
A) Hey did you buy that game yet?
B) >Buying games.*

*See /v/*
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2019-03-01 22:45:06 UTC  

-define less than

2019-03-01 22:45:06 UTC  

**less than**: [Used] to descibe of [people] of [gayness] or undisirable qualities.
*[Jennifer] is so less than...she's such a [fucking] [redneck].*
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2019-03-01 22:45:35 UTC  

-define eve online

2019-03-01 22:45:35 UTC  

**Eve Online**: [Internet Spaceships]. Which is [Serious Business].
*When ever i tell my Boyfriend to [stop playing] [Eve online] he stands up and yells at me saying "You don't understand eve. It's [serious buisness]."*
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2019-03-01 22:45:56 UTC  

the sad cat is throwing me off kinda wanna change the pfp again <:sadcat:511590629856378901>

2019-03-01 22:46:07 UTC  


2019-03-01 22:46:13 UTC  

-define jita

2019-03-01 22:46:13 UTC  

**jita**: -To be [lagged], or to become [lag].
-To spend one's night looking at a [stargate]
-To listen to noobs smack the hell out of you
*"Ah dammit man, I [got stuck] in [Jita] again...guess I better get the coffee and camp here"

"You should do [PvP]...YARRRRRRR"*
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2019-03-01 22:46:21 UTC  

idk what <:ummmm:511590629797789708>

2019-03-01 22:46:41 UTC  

Use your doggy

2019-03-01 22:46:45 UTC  

-define jitter

2019-03-01 22:46:45 UTC  

**Jitter**: Term originating from [Bristol], UK, to describe ( sometimes in a derogatory fashion) [a heavy] [metal fan] or male with long hair
*'Hey Dave, coming down The [Hatchet] tonight?'
' Fuck that, it'll be [wall-to-wall] with crusty [jitters]!'*
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2019-03-01 22:46:55 UTC  

**dogo**: When used in relation to marijuana and weed, it means "[donate] one, get one" - a derivative of "[buy one get one free]" aka [BOGO]
*"All [fire] 1/4ths are [DOGO] until [next] week!"*
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2019-03-01 22:47:13 UTC  

-define doggo

2019-03-01 22:47:14 UTC  

**Doggo**: [A cute] way of [saying] [dog]
*Guy 1: look at that cute lil [doggo]

Guy 2: [awwww]

[Guy 3]: you guys are lame*
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2019-03-01 22:47:43 UTC  

-define art of war

2019-03-01 22:47:44 UTC  

**Art Of War**: a [black guy] that thinks he can be a pimp WHILE being bitch [dependent] and [whipped] by one girl.
*coon: yo man im a pimp
me: naw you cant be a pimp because your bitch [dependent] and [pussy whipped].
short version= [art of war]*
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2019-03-01 22:48:22 UTC  

-define 95%

2019-03-01 22:48:22 UTC  

**95**: A women with very large features, yet is [not fat] nor [chubby]. [Many men] are attracted to these type of females.
*[Carl]: Damn, check out that 95 walking [down the street].

[JR]: She's alright, I'm more into hour glasses, though.*
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2019-03-01 22:49:06 UTC