Message from @-Joe

Discord ID: 551275761118478358

2019-03-02 00:48:20 UTC  

2019-03-02 00:48:56 UTC  

t!coin heads

2019-03-02 00:48:56 UTC  

2019-03-02 00:49:06 UTC  

t!coin tails

2019-03-02 00:49:06 UTC  

2019-03-02 00:49:23 UTC  

t!slots 500

2019-03-02 00:49:24 UTC  

**[ 🎰 l SLOTS ]**
🍇 : 🍊 : 🔔

🍉 : 🍌 : 🍐 **<**

🍌 : 🍉 : 🍌
| : : : **LOST** : : : |

**Nyoki** used **500** credit(s) and lost everything.

2019-03-02 00:50:57 UTC  

t!rps scissors

2019-03-02 00:50:57 UTC  

I'm choosing **Rock**! 👊 **ROCK** wins!

2019-03-02 00:51:09 UTC  

t!rps rock

2019-03-02 00:51:09 UTC  

I'm choosing **Paper**! 🖐 **PAPER** wins!

2019-03-02 00:51:18 UTC  

t!rps paper

2019-03-02 00:51:18 UTC  

I'm choosing **Paper**! 🖐 It's a tie!

2019-03-02 01:00:48 UTC  

**Saftey**: A term used after you fart to keep from getting [punched]. If fail to say before someone says "[doornob]" you get punched until you touch a doornob. [Doornob] can be called if a fart is heard or smelled.
*Gator: (poot)
[Scrawn]: dang dude....[doornob]
Gator: Ah [F bomb]
Scrawn: (punched)*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-02 01:02:01 UTC  


2019-03-02 01:02:01 UTC  

🔧 | Looking for support? My support channel is here:

2019-03-02 01:03:42 UTC  


2019-03-02 01:03:42 UTC  

2019-03-02 04:46:25 UTC  

-weather Washington DC

2019-03-02 04:46:26 UTC  

Weather report: Washington DC

.-. Light Rain
( ). -2..+2 °C (35 °F)
(___(__) ↓ 20 km/h
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 13 km
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ 3.8 mm


2019-03-02 05:33:03 UTC  

-weather new york city

2019-03-02 05:33:04 UTC  

Weather report: New York, United States of America

_ - _ - _ - 1 °C (33 °F)
_ - _ - _ ↙ 0 km/h
_ - _ - _ - 8 km
0.2 mm


2019-03-02 05:48:10 UTC  

-define warehouse 13

2019-03-02 05:48:10 UTC  

**Warehouse 13**: A original TV series, that premieres on SyFy, about a team of agents, government and non-government, that save the world on a daily basis. They do so, however, by finding everyday items, like pens or bracelets, that have been super-charged with enough energy to make said item powerful enough to do something spectacular. This item then becomes what is classified as, an artifact.

Artifacts can be things like [Harriet Tubman's] thimble, which allows the user to assume the face of another person, or Lewis Carroll's mirror (he was the dude who wrote Alice in Wonderland), which has young Alice Liddel trapped inside. [Lizzie Borden's] compact, Jimi Hendrix's guitar, [Marilyn Monroe's] hairbrush, you get the picture. Every artifact, however, has a downside, something that makes it dangerous and at times potentially life-threatening, especially in the wrong hands. Some things are made up, while others are based from famous people you may or may not have ever heard of.

So, yeah. Agents that save the world day after day, while going on crazy, at times funny, and seriously awesome missions to do so. Why aren't you already searching through Youtube looking for this?
*"We are not the [B-Team]. Fool, we are the second A-Team."
-Claudia to [Jinks], Season 4 Ep. 10

-My friend, after the hiatus was over

"On the bright side, you'll finally be able to work off those extra pounds you've been griping over."
"Devil child."
-Claudia and Artie, Season 1 Ep.12*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-02 06:06:44 UTC  
2019-03-02 06:06:44 UTC  

2019-03-02 06:16:54 UTC  

-define visual snow

2019-03-02 06:16:55 UTC  

**visual snow**: An effect of [LSD] that resembles colored TV [static] everywhere you look . On very rare occasions, a person may obtain [permanent] visual snow.
*After taking [acid], [Johnny] had [permanent] visual snow.*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-02 06:17:18 UTC  

-define closed eye visual

2019-03-02 06:17:19 UTC  

**closed eye visuals**: Closed-Eye hallucinogenic effects caused by LSD , Shrooms , [LSA] , [Salvia] etc..

When the user closes there eyes they will see multi-colored patterns, shapes or images such as "A rainbow spiral of [smiley faces] "

Commonly the user will see a "rainbow" or "spectrum" of colors such as red, green, orange, yellow and blue.

The more mental power the user has over the substance the more they are able to manipulate there visuals.
*After consuming two hits of [acid] I felt very [euphoric]. Within [twenty] minutes I had some really crazy closed eye visuals.*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-02 06:45:41 UTC  

-define life guard

2019-03-02 06:45:42 UTC  

**Guard**: A [former] [adventurer] who [took an arrow in the knee].
*Guard: "I used to [be an] [adventurer] like you, then I [took an arrow in the knee]."*
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2019-03-02 06:46:06 UTC  

-define life saver

2019-03-02 06:46:06 UTC  

**Life Saver**: A [bullet-proof] [vest].
*You [niggas] [best] have yo [life] savers.*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-02 06:49:47 UTC  

**8th**: [3.5 grams] of [bud] 20 to 50 [dollars] depending on quality
*I'm so fucking [poor] i had to [buy] an 8th of fucking [swiggity].*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-02 06:50:02 UTC  

**gang of**: A very large [number] or amount of. A close [synonym] of [grip of].
*"Later on that day, Dr. Dre came through with a gang of Tanqueray and a fat-ass J that made me choke...sheeeit this ain't no joke." -Snoop Doggy Dogg, "Gin and Juice"

A gang of gangs [ganged up] on my gang in that [gang war]. Damn did we get our [shit handed] to us.*
*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-03-02 07:05:33 UTC  

⌨ | **Hackerman Nyoki**
Use the bluetooth SQL protocol, then you can index the bluetooth protocol!```

2019-03-02 07:06:07 UTC  


2019-03-02 07:06:07 UTC  

🏧 | **Nyoki**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

**Streak: <:b_:400807295363317760><:o_:400807295833079808><:nu:400807295845662721><:uu:400807296231538688><:su:400807295870697473>**

2019-03-02 07:06:21 UTC  

t!slots 500

2019-03-02 07:06:21 UTC  

**[ 🎰 l SLOTS ]**
🍒 : 💎 : 🍈

🍈 : 🍌 : 🇱🇻 **<**

🇱🇻 : 7⃣ : 🍉
| : : : **LOST** : : : |

**Nyoki** used **500** credit(s) and lost everything.