Message from @Tatsumaki

Discord ID: 551998520962318348

2019-03-04 04:32:03 UTC  

**reason**: to [get together] and [exchange] ideas; a [conversation] between two cool souls.

*...[yeah man], we [gotta] reason [sometimes].*
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2019-03-04 04:32:23 UTC  

-define Dexter

2019-03-04 04:32:24 UTC  

**Dexter**: A TV show on [Showtime] about a guy named Dexter. He's a [forensics] scientist by day, and a [serial murderer] by night. What sets him apart is that he's a serial murderer of OTHER serial murderers. So he's the good guy of the story. Based on the book series by Jeff Lindsey. Very strange, but well-written.
*[Tagline]: Dexter takes [life]. [Seriously].*
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2019-03-04 04:33:00 UTC  

-define the punisher

2019-03-04 04:33:00 UTC  

**the punisher**: the [badest] [mother fucker] ever. recently made into a movie, which [kicked] so much ass.
*Joe,Bob,Mike,[Lindsey], and Ben saw the punisher; the exploding cars scene made mike go into [convulsions] because it was so [badass].*
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2019-03-04 04:52:52 UTC  

-define creep

2019-03-04 04:52:52 UTC  

**creep**: A young, [studly] man with a particularly good butt (from excessive [stair] training). A particularly common [jargin] among young, female Dunkin Donuts employees.
*I thought that creep was going to stay there for [an hour].... *[sigh] of [longing]**
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2019-03-04 04:53:08 UTC  

-define creeper

2019-03-04 04:53:09 UTC  

**creeper**: A clichΓ©d term of infantile beginnings originally intended to characterize individuals, typically a male, whose uncertain behavior or [looming] mysterious presence would make regular folks [unsettled].Currently, the ubiquitous [puerile] terminology takes on multiple variant definitions, notably -
1- that deliberated by socially influential people to brand personalities they find inept or intolerable, if not simply unattractive; Regretfully, it's often used against those who don't wield the power their instigating counterparts do (e. g. [dweebs],dorks,etc)
2- that deliberated by the malevolent youth to [antagonize] older folks for the way they look or behave
An all-too-uncanny example would be where the older individual compliments or merely converses with the younger, which the younger quickly gets irritated over for none other than the fact that the older doesn't share his/her aesthetic qualities. A follow-up excuse to justify the [younger's] reaction might be that differences in age & life experiences would therefore make it"inappropriate"for the older to talk to the younger.
3-that deliberated by self-entitling hotheads to overlay on those they deem are giving them unsolicited advances
The contact, though, is likely to be innocently [unsexual] & [cordial] by nature
4- that deliberated by moral hotmouths to unfairly [fend off] adults acerbated as suspected pedophiles.More often then not, any "evidence"/"proof"present is barely more than trite frivolity as found in the previously items.
*To number 1 - "That freakin' creeper with the [f'ugly] chunky smile who sat in the corner with his palms centered on his crotch came up to me, and he kept trying to compliment me. These sick douchebags don't have a life!" =/

2019-03-04 04:53:09 UTC  

To number 2 - i hav a friend whose already a freshmen in hs And like omfg!!! we were visiting a hookup site for hot men (illegally!! hahahaha'zz), and this motherfuckin creeper keeps trying to talk to us! He was like a fat 40yo perv!!! we had to fuckin' block dat shitzz!!!!!!"

To number 3 - I never want to visit a nightclub again! I keep getting hit on by [creepers] who want nothing [but sex]! (I guess they can't resist my [glaring] beauty!)

To [number 4] - "Meh mums has warned me to stay away from [Osage] Park since its full of creepers: Their like normal adults, but they keep saying hi and smiling at kids and pre-teens and stuff. And they act too friendly ,almost to the point of being fake like the sick turds they are!! Let dem shitazz pedozzz fucking molest each other and [die in hell], but I'm not going to let them infect me."*
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2019-03-04 04:57:03 UTC  

-define sad

2019-03-04 04:57:04 UTC  

**Sad**: This word can be used in place where "[RIP]" is typically used. Used to express your [disappointment] or [sadness] towards what someone is saying to you in one word.
*Ex. 1:
"Hey, I have to cancel [tonight's] plans. I'm really sorry, we can go out [another time]?"

Ex. 2:
"Are there any cookies left?"
"No, [I ate them all]."

Ex. 3:
"What did you end up getting on that essay?"
"That's too bad"
"Yeah. Sad."*
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2019-03-04 04:59:01 UTC  

-define not sad

2019-03-04 04:59:01 UTC  

**Sad but not sad**: When your [depressed] but [you don't want] people [to know].
*Person1 *Listens to sad music at night when no one is there*
Person1 *is [a social] [butterfly] when with people*
Person1 [I'm sad] but not sad*
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2019-03-04 05:05:19 UTC  

-define the feels

2019-03-04 05:05:20 UTC  

**the feels**: [the wave] of emotion that hits you like [a truck] and leaves you think [fuck man] why
*i just [saw] [Brittney] with her new [bf], shit gave me the feels*
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2019-03-04 05:13:00 UTC  

-define down with the clown

2019-03-04 05:13:00 UTC  

**down with the clown**: when people mention this, it is a way for them to express to everyone around them that they follow the [ICP] (insane clown posse) and the [icp] family in order to feel like they belong to something. in reality most of the jugalos are fags and follow [a bullshit] life style which is why they are looked down upon by us normal and functional members of society.
*"I don't need to go to school or read them books, or even get a job cuz I'm down with [the clown]!"

[apropiate] respond should sound something like
"[go kill yourself], faggot"*
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2019-03-04 05:25:02 UTC  
2019-03-04 05:25:02 UTC  

πŸ“ | **Server rank card for blue terry crews**

2019-03-04 05:25:03 UTC  

πŸ“ | **Server rank card for blue terry crews**

2019-03-04 05:25:15 UTC  


2019-03-04 05:25:15 UTC  


2019-03-04 05:25:25 UTC  

t!rank @-Joe

2019-03-04 05:25:26 UTC  

πŸ“ | **Server rank card for -Joe**

2019-03-04 05:26:31 UTC  


2019-03-04 05:26:31 UTC  

πŸ“ | **Server rank card for NickeL**

2019-03-04 05:27:35 UTC  

-define caked

2019-03-04 05:27:36 UTC  

**caked**: Highest [level] of [high].

*[when you're high] you're baked...[cakes] [get baked]
person:Man, im caked.*
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2019-03-04 05:28:43 UTC  

-define caked up

2019-03-04 05:28:44 UTC  

**Caked Up**: With a guy / girl you like or [flirt] with . . [Cuddleing] with eachother or just super close [body] to body .
*[Who you] [tryna] be " [Caked up] " with at the movies ?*
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2019-03-04 05:29:12 UTC  

-define cake up

2019-03-04 05:29:12 UTC  

**cake up**: To [stack] and [save] your [dollars]
*i'm [workin] two jobs. damnit [i'm tryin] [to cake] up!*
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2019-03-04 05:30:41 UTC  

t!rank @jgb12

2019-03-04 05:30:42 UTC  

πŸ“ | **Server rank card for jgb12**

2019-03-04 05:31:12 UTC  

No result :(

2019-03-04 05:31:23 UTC  

-define spyro

2019-03-04 05:31:25 UTC  

**Spyro**: A character from a brilliantly awesome video game. A diminutive four-legged dragon that has a [sidekick] named [Sparx]. All [bow down] to Spyro and Sparx! <3
*[Spyro the dragon] is [so cute] and [cool]!*
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2019-03-04 05:31:37 UTC  

-define ro

2019-03-04 05:31:38 UTC  

**Ro**: A completely unique girl - you'll never meet another one quite like her. She's that person who can make you laugh when you just want to [sulk], that person who you feel blissfully relaxed around and count [the days] until you can see her again, that person who you feel [incomplete] without.

A beautiful mix of good looks, intelligence, humour and kindness, which is more than any man deserves.
*'I [love you] Ro' - [Mi]*
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2019-03-04 05:32:49 UTC  

-define voodoo