Message from @Laithe66
Discord ID: 541439411359842304
Margarine causes divorce
margarine decreases virility
this conversation in #Conspiricy_Chat should be called "" @TheGhostScientist "" gets trolled
Why does my profile say "experimental subject" for this server?
how do you debate without circular reasoning ?
By saying I'm right
I am the maximally great being, Shaggy
@TheGhostScientist i agree
@TheGhostScientist can you list those chemical compounds again please, I was trying to write those down
or post a link or something
found it
okay wtf is a fenton medium containing bovine serum
that dont sound great
It's an ingredient in a vaccine
Most of the so called dangerous ingredients in vaccines are in such a small quantity that they won't harm or impact you at all
not necessarily
like when your working with lead and aluminum with your hands,, just the tiny amount that absorbs through your skin can affect your body
Catch measles? Or immunity from measles
Vaccines put your immune system in overdrive and can actually cause an autoimmune disorder
Got a source for that friend?
Couple things
1) It doesn't "put your immune system in overdrive". It just teaches the immune system to recognize the disease and kill it on the spot after the vaccination or series is complete. This is how your immune system always operates. It's like an elephant. It never forgets. Or forgives.
2) You generalized all vaccines using a study that did not actually study a causal link to it. The study in question studied the rare vaccine outcome of autoimmune disorders, of which there is no clear link: `The individuals who might be susceptible to develop these reactions could be especially not only those with previous post-vaccination phenomena and those with allergies but also in individuals who are prone to develop autoimmune diseases, such as those with a family history of autoimmunity or with known autoantibodies, and the genetic predisposed individuals.`
3) From the discussion section: `The analysis of potential correlation between vaccine and autoimmune events/diseases is puzzling, being not-specific and without a clear cut diagnosis, not excluding other contemporary virus infections, environmental factors, or nutrition imbalance. `
4) `In conclusion, clinical surveillance of potential autoimmune adverse effects and appropriate laboratory tests should be considered for inclusion in the monitoring protocol.`
5) `Reports on autoimmune reactions after vaccination would constitute probably less than 0.01% of all vaccinations performed worldwide, although this rate may be biased by under-reporting.`
@Laithe66 I'm talking about a couple parts per million, not enough to hold in your hand. That would be far more than is in any vaccine
<:mk:511588951811817480> Is the NFL rigged? Is it really just sports entertainment like WWE? <:mk:511588951811817480> @everyone
@.๐ฝ๐ฑ๐ฎ๐ฎ๐ฌ๐ฑ๐ช๐ญ No shit.
the NFL is owned by the Jewish media
Everything is rigged.
of course it's rigged