Message from @The89thOptimist
Discord ID: 546379751363969025
You're close to getting muted @steel inquisitor
Unless you stop it
Ooops *I'm not being serious*
<:dynoSuccess:314691591484866560> ***steel inquisitor#7263 has been warned.***
What is today's debate topic good fellows?
does anyone here trust the government?
i doubt it
so if no one trusts the government.... why would we trust their motives for putting anything in anything?
@steel inquisitor floride dumbing us down?
i think i broke the debate
What is how
Nice copy paste
Thats what i said lol
if there is a debate amongst scientists on this... why not go the safe route an take it out of water?
would be easier to produce results if they did as well
Jail doesn't help. It is described as the Breeding Ground for crime. @32 Goblins
And if people want the fluoride... They are welcome to add it to their water
There are chewable fluoride pills your doctor can prescribe
made in fun flavors for the easiest poisoning of your mind possible
No it isn't. Fluoride has been the best thing for dental health basically ever. The rate of caries in the population is significantly lower in areas that have fluoride in the water. It's perfectly fine for people to be drinking.
So when you guys don't brush your teeth and floss enough, at least the fluoride is helping prevent you from getting cavities.
Nobody forces to stuff sugar in one's mouth 247 tho
Sugar isn't the only thing that gives your cavities
Literally eating anything provides the basis for the bacteria that cause cavities
I guess on another point, how do you guys brush your teeth? Do you use toothpaste? Do you specifically seek out toothpaste without fluoride in it?
Not used paste in 20years. Never had cavities.
...and yeah... acids worse than sugar even