Message from @MagnumForce
Discord ID: 664675027186221073
Americans only gtfo
I'm from Virginia, retard
Good Evening all
what kind of gun are you thinking about getting Forrest?
An SKS, which I'll add tactical furniture and detachable mags
why do all that to an SKS, when you could go for an AK?
An SKS is $300, an AK is $550
I'm here to cum
what is this
all that tactical stuff and mag well modification will likely put you over $550
Where did the link get posted now?
Hmm, true
atf get down
very nice
ATF lets you carry a CZ? Nice
Actually I'm just Spike from CBB
Bunch of TNs
post guns and toes
Why where and what explain to me
I should probably do the same
to get a role to see the server you have to send guns
toes are just a meme
Aight Imma head out
lemme see them toes boi
nice under folder
i like it
t-thanks, I realized how mediocre the wasr finish is compared to aresnals and thinking of spray painting it black with rustoleum or something
Do I qualify as a gun owner now?
post bullets could be evike airsoft clone
i think so
guess not
look at that grime, probably asbestos from some russian warehouse