Message from @dev
Discord ID: 666461474033762304
free float quad rail gang
@dev looks like a decent basic KISS setup. Get a new stock, grip, and handguard. Especially the handguard because the milspec plastic handguards heat up quickly. Magpul it out baby.
dont get cheap chinese crap furniture
Thanks, I think I’m just gonna get a KAC or Midwest quad rail
I need an eotech since I have astigmatism and red dots look fuzzy
holographic sights still look fuzzy with an astigmatism BUT its nowhere near as bad as a red dot
personally i reccomend the vortex razor uh 1 holographic sight
its like $300 on sportsman outdoors or $350 on amazon
best bang for buck
i was gonna get an eotech but theyre lying assholes
Yah I like that
much better than kac
the one with the moe stock has the kac rail and its heavier and doesnt have a qd hole
Oh nice
Kinda wish I had a 14.5 barrel
You know I did until I got an 11.5
then I just didn't care anymore
Ideally I would go for 11.5 but I don’t feel like paying 200 shekels and waiting forever and i think braces are ugly
@zachfletch post guns
🤔 why was your discord account just made today? @zachfletch
@Ash Just made it today, just found discord via r/GunAccessoriesForSale/
how did you find this discord? @zachfletch
@dev what about the sba3?