Message from @invisibleilluminati
Discord ID: 666464754264571924
You know I did until I got an 11.5
then I just didn't care anymore
Ideally I would go for 11.5 but I don’t feel like paying 200 shekels and waiting forever and i think braces are ugly
@zachfletch post guns
🤔 why was your discord account just made today? @zachfletch
@Ash Just made it today, just found discord via r/GunAccessoriesForSale/
how did you find this discord? @zachfletch
@dev what about the sba3?
The what
The form 1 efile is pretty quick apparently @dev
O ok
Nvm then
I'm about to do it because I'm tired of the brace
I thought it took forever
Maybe that’s suppressors
yeah suppressors are 200+ days
form1 is pretty quick from what i've heard
Nah not a fan
I guess I’ll go for the stamp
Better I guess
Looks uncomfortable though
the sba4 looks ok
It is a little bit
@ouija yes more comfortable too
I build my own everything so I refuse to form
i really don't know how they got away with making it/pushing it through atf
tax stamp has a lot of legal crap with it though
@ouija they’ll eventually use the bump stock bs too seize braces
like notifying them if you move, transportation is up in the air, have to ask to travel diff state with it, etc
@dev I wear mine with gear on including a field jacket so uncomfortable isn’t an issue for me
@ouija and creating a trust they can fuk off
i start to think the atf just doesn't even care about that stuff that much until they want to drum up another waco or something