Message from @Rob
Discord ID: 619581357852721153
Also a dude with a 1st gen WRX
>tfw no 240RS
Looks alone I think I like the 180 best tbh
>tfw no 200ZR
>tfw no k's s13
The 180sx looks odd
The 944, S13, FC3S, etc all just have a nice body imo
schleepy boi
>posts picture of SAAB
>expects me to know what timeframe you had that
>post pic of saab
>say "i haven't owned that car in a while"
>"wtf how was i supposed to know you don't own it anymore"
Yeah I said you had it before
you corrected
I made fun of you having a SAAB because prior to you saying you haven't had it in a while, all I had to go off of is a picture with no timeframe
AE86s are trash tbh
same shit
all the corollas were shit
and then you were sayin brainlet as if I would know beforehand
be n ice
I called you a brainlet for doubting it
is Rob Commandocat
I'm not commando cat
He's in the FL discord tho
I didn't doubt it 🤔
I said aight bet
wait he was orange cat
too many cat fags