Message from @CTL
Discord ID: 619579560597520415
the BRZs never changed
It's basically a modern 240 with a modern KA24
Paper to paper
Weak NA 4 cylinder with a frame that's great to slide, and tbh they're fun to drive
I swear guys
Toyota needs to stop making ugly cars
I s2g
smh @ saab driver
Toyota needs to sell the LC79 stateside
I haven't had a saab for like 3 years
Oh you have a saabaru don't you
oh bet
you posted one earlier
so I thought
Those were gross
An old picture you brainlet
They need to make the mr2 again
Please no
@AnEvalach SW20s when?
@AnEvalach Tada keeps saying he wants to
Maybe when the 86 dies he will
It should be inferred by me saying I haven't owned the car in a certain time frame
Instead of assuming that means I never owned one
@AnEvalach That reminds me too, there's a dude down the road from me who has an MR2 so I get to see it every day
T i n y cars
S14 kouki was peak s chassis, eclipsed only by the s12
Also a dude with a 1st gen WRX
>tfw no 240RS
Looks alone I think I like the 180 best tbh
>tfw no 200ZR
>tfw no k's s13
The 180sx looks odd
The 944, S13, FC3S, etc all just have a nice body imo