Message from @Red Korvo

Discord ID: 627279240949137418

2019-09-27 22:54:53 UTC  

And pistons don't get full of water and detonate the gun

2019-09-27 22:55:09 UTC  

Also generally overgassed as shit

2019-09-27 22:55:12 UTC  

For reliability

2019-09-27 22:55:29 UTC  

Full auto is like submachinegun fast because of that

2019-09-27 22:55:48 UTC  

And generally significantly harder recoiling then a normal ar

2019-09-27 22:56:04 UTC  

But that makes it more reliable

2019-09-27 22:56:38 UTC  

It's all a compromise, not like the Germans have some special sauce or anything, they just tweaked the design and changed up the compromises a bit

2019-09-27 22:56:47 UTC  

What happens with a regular gas system? Steam explosion in the tube?

2019-09-27 22:57:36 UTC  

Hydrostatic shock

2019-09-27 22:57:53 UTC  

Water is incompressible

2019-09-27 22:58:18 UTC  

When a fuck ton of gas pressure tries to compress it your gun pops

2019-09-27 22:58:44 UTC  

The barrel or the gas tube?

2019-09-27 22:59:00 UTC  

Gas tube and/or reciever

2019-09-27 22:59:38 UTC  

Here the hk tests

2019-09-27 23:00:14 UTC  

Gas tube i get but the reciever? Damn. The ejection port doesn't provide a suitable enough vent?

2019-09-27 23:01:20 UTC  

I think it's just the velocity/pressure of the gas my man

2019-09-27 23:01:39 UTC  

Like you're already in an overpressure situation because of water in the barrel

2019-09-27 23:02:06 UTC  

And iirc the reciever explosion was only when they fired the gun completely underwater

2019-09-27 23:02:16 UTC  

But I haven't watched the vid in a hot sec

2019-09-27 23:03:45 UTC  

Wow. I know hydrostaic shock is no joke but I though the gaping hole in the side of the receiver would provide enough of a pressure relief.

2019-09-27 23:04:31 UTC  

I mean it's not open all the time

2019-09-27 23:04:47 UTC  

And like the gas port area is gonna be full of water

2019-09-27 23:05:10 UTC  

And then it's getting a shit ton of pressure all at once

2019-09-27 23:05:37 UTC  

So it the bcg that pops, just takes the receiver with it

2019-09-27 23:06:16 UTC  

Because if you've got enough pressure to pop a big hunk of steel you can certainly pop a thin ass aluminum reciever

2019-09-27 23:08:09 UTC  

Oh right, there's a path inside the gas key to the interior of the carrier. So would the cam pin get sheared off?

2019-09-27 23:09:07 UTC  

That wouldnt really releave the pressure instantly

2019-09-27 23:09:31 UTC  

Also shearing pins is a bitch

2019-09-27 23:11:05 UTC  

My assumption on the mechanics of it is that you get so much pressure into the bcg all at once that it doesn't have time to cam the bolt open, and the bolt has way more pressure on it so it's harder to open, so the water just fucking bursts the bcg

2019-09-27 23:24:44 UTC  

Damn that h&k music video bumpin

2019-09-27 23:27:12 UTC  

i like how he doesnt wear safety goggles after the test

2019-09-27 23:27:35 UTC  

cause he knows it isnt gonna fuck up

2019-09-27 23:27:54 UTC  

Jesus Christ. That's multiple orders of magnitude worse than how I though it worked. I wonder if some kind of overpressure relief valve in the bcg or gas block could prevent it. I'm sure it would be hell to design though. You could safely use it underwater if you had an adjustable gas port and you closed it and used it like a bolt action right?

2019-09-27 23:28:13 UTC  

Jesus Christ. That's multiple orders of magnitude worse than how I though it worked. I wonder if some kind of overpressure relief valve in the bcg or gas block could prevent it. I'm sure it would be hell to design though. You could safely use it underwater if you had an adjustable gas port and you closed it and used it like a bolt action right?

2019-09-27 23:28:55 UTC  


2019-09-27 23:29:00 UTC  

Jesus Christ. That's multiple orders of magnitude worse than how I though it worked. I wonder if some kind of overpressure relief valve in the bcg or gas block could prevent it. I'm sure it would be hell to design though. You could safely use it underwater if you had an adjustable gas port and you closed it and used it like a bolt action right?

2019-09-27 23:29:12 UTC  

Jesus Christ. That's multiple orders of magnitude worse than how I though it worked. I wonder if some kind of overpressure relief valve in the bcg or gas block could prevent it. I'm sure it would be hell to design though. You could safely use it underwater if you had an adjustable gas port and you closed it and used it like a bolt action right?

2019-09-27 23:31:08 UTC  

Jesus Christ. That's multiple orders of magnitude worse than how I though it worked. I wonder if some kind of overpressure relief valve in the bcg or gas block could prevent it. I'm sure it would be hell to design though. You could safely use it underwater if you had an adjustable gas port and you closed it and used it like a bolt action right?

2019-09-27 23:31:27 UTC  


2019-09-27 23:31:42 UTC  
