Message from @Rob

Discord ID: 629065514316070938

2019-10-02 21:19:35 UTC

2019-10-02 21:19:37 UTC  

the joke is that you're cheekwelding with a non parallax optic in 2019

2019-10-02 21:19:38 UTC  

I don't use aluminum

2019-10-02 21:19:42 UTC  

what do you use

2019-10-02 21:19:50 UTC  

PSA steel probably

2019-10-02 21:19:53 UTC  

gen 3 windowed PMAG

2019-10-02 21:20:05 UTC  

@Rob The chess pieces crossed really ties that image together

2019-10-02 21:20:06 UTC  


2019-10-02 21:20:32 UTC  

leave it up to the russians to make two female characters peg eachother

2019-10-02 21:21:14 UTC  

we've discussed my build at least ten times

2019-10-02 21:21:15 UTC  

It is natural that the Slav raifus would rape one another to establish a pecking order

2019-10-02 21:21:21 UTC  

AK12 x AN94 is pretty good tho

2019-10-02 21:21:24 UTC  

@Thorkell @Red Korvo @Tom1337 “Joaquin Phoenix astounds.” #JokerMovie - this Thursday. Tickets: http://Fandango.coom/JokerMovie

2019-10-02 21:21:26 UTC  

I just have to drop the rail and swap the barrel

2019-10-02 21:21:27 UTC  

just like their vdv counterparts

2019-10-02 21:21:28 UTC  

post build @Misaki

2019-10-02 21:21:37 UTC  

you just saw it

2019-10-02 21:21:37 UTC  

@yergo that was his build

2019-10-02 21:21:42 UTC  

you think id run that dogshit

2019-10-02 21:21:43 UTC  


2019-10-02 21:21:46 UTC

2019-10-02 21:21:53 UTC  

@Rob silence fudanshi

2019-10-02 21:21:56 UTC  

Where's the dicks?

2019-10-02 21:22:01 UTC

2019-10-02 21:22:01 UTC  


2019-10-02 21:22:03 UTC  

About to head out

2019-10-02 21:22:08 UTC  

l m a o

2019-10-02 21:22:09 UTC  


2019-10-02 21:22:14 UTC  

bouta head out

2019-10-02 21:22:19 UTC  

bouta head the fuck out

2019-10-02 21:22:20 UTC

2019-10-02 21:22:25 UTC

2019-10-02 21:22:33 UTC  

There's like very little futa gfl in the first place

2019-10-02 21:22:38 UTC  

It's a shame

2019-10-02 21:22:41 UTC  

thats surprising

2019-10-02 21:22:42 UTC  

thank god, the fags havent infested us yet

2019-10-02 21:22:46 UTC  

@yergo silence secondary

2019-10-02 21:22:57 UTC  

There's some but most of it sucks or is drawn by Sinesian

2019-10-02 21:23:15 UTC

2019-10-02 21:23:17 UTC  

ok tertiary

2019-10-02 21:23:17 UTC  

And I just really do not understand who Sinesian draws porn for