Message from @CTL

Discord ID: 637069050182369321

2019-10-24 23:09:19 UTC  

shut the fuck up zoomer

2019-10-24 23:10:05 UTC  

lmao sounds like you're apart of the shitty fan base

2019-10-24 23:10:39 UTC  

yeah every time i hear "x is good but the fans are bad" they are a part of the bad fans that are just sort of good at hiding it and have some shred of self-awareness

2019-10-24 23:10:42 UTC  

see: jojos fans

2019-10-24 23:11:29 UTC  

Bitch I'll have you know I'm a Millennial/Zoomer Hybrid monstrosity. I was born in 95, literally the changeover year.

2019-10-24 23:11:41 UTC  

oh god you're older than like 19?

2019-10-24 23:13:00 UTC  

I just think they're a kick ass rock band. I'm not writing fan fiction about having their babies on Tumblr and I don't revel in self harm as some pinical of victim purity. It's just good music.

2019-10-24 23:13:01 UTC  

I really feel old

2019-10-24 23:13:05 UTC  

I don't like it

2019-10-24 23:16:49 UTC  

I feel old too

2019-10-24 23:16:52 UTC  

And anyone who doesn't blast Black Parade is a fucking liar and I'd not to be trusted. Their other stuff may or may not be your thing (I like their last album the most and most of their fans would burn me at the stake for that) but that's like saying you don't blast Bohemian Rhapsody. Yes. You do. And MCR is the the closest thing to modern Queen you'll get.

2019-10-24 23:17:16 UTC  

Bro what

2019-10-24 23:17:45 UTC  

I'll stick by this till I die. Take yer swing.

2019-10-24 23:21:14 UTC  

anyone who blasts black parade in 2019 is a middle school girl

2019-10-24 23:22:05 UTC  

Vro don’t you listen to AFIs miss murder on repeat while jacking off

2019-10-24 23:22:43 UTC  

make sure you eat your nut

2019-10-24 23:22:48 UTC  

gotta retain the protein

2019-10-24 23:22:48 UTC  

Whomts the fuck is AFI?

2019-10-24 23:22:50 UTC  

nah bumping bring me to life rn by evanscence

2019-10-24 23:23:59 UTC  

That's a good song to but it was saddly murdered by radio stations and miss schoolers that might have been cringier than most MCR fans.

2019-10-24 23:24:57 UTC  

you really are a 13 year old girl

2019-10-24 23:24:59 UTC  


2019-10-24 23:29:01 UTC  

You know mcr but not afi?

2019-10-24 23:29:52 UTC  

I’m pretty sure they were both part of the same scene that girls who wanted to be goths but didn’t want to commit so they just wore thick eyeliner and black/purple nail polish listened to

2019-10-24 23:36:26 UTC  

isnt 97 the changeover year

2019-10-24 23:36:37 UTC  

we got megas xlr, samurai jack, etc

2019-10-24 23:41:39 UTC  

@5W I'm sure I've heard Miss Murder but no, I'm not really familiar with them.

2019-10-24 23:42:29 UTC  

The changeover year varies, but many sources site 95 as the changeover.

2019-10-24 23:51:09 UTC  

the chad December of ‘99 millennial

2019-10-24 23:54:39 UTC  

Not a 2003 boomer

2019-10-24 23:54:42 UTC  


2019-10-24 23:55:26 UTC  

I believe that solar is 16

2019-10-24 23:56:25 UTC  


2019-10-24 23:56:28 UTC  

imagine being 20

2019-10-24 23:56:44 UTC  


2019-10-24 23:57:00 UTC  

Cringe lmao

2019-10-24 23:57:02 UTC  

Imagine being misaki’s patient

2019-10-24 23:57:04 UTC  

Like just be older

2019-10-25 00:03:30 UTC

2019-10-25 00:08:23 UTC

2019-10-25 00:20:31 UTC  

Imagine being a 30 year old boomer and leaving because you get called a boomer