Message from @fjogert

Discord ID: 642207042404089869

2019-11-08 03:31:42 UTC  

@Red Korvo you’re halfway to sighted in

2019-11-08 03:31:48 UTC  

it’ll go on the paper at least

2019-11-08 03:32:48 UTC  

Yeah it fucking sucked. I probably would have built an ar a year or two ago if I could have.

2019-11-08 03:33:35 UTC  

@fjogertin that case, the gun is probably as or more accurate than me atm, so I won't worry about it for now.

2019-11-08 03:34:54 UTC  

it should be sighted in to the best of your ability before you start working on accuracy but in terms of learning how the shoot the thing you’re good

2019-11-08 03:35:23 UTC  

focus on getting tight groups rather than putting those groups on the target and you’ll be fine

2019-11-08 03:39:02 UTC  

2019-11-08 03:39:58 UTC  

Post gear and time stamp for free traps.

2019-11-08 03:40:15 UTC  

Too tired for it rn

2019-11-08 03:40:19 UTC  

And my gear is cheap

2019-11-08 03:40:22 UTC  

TasTiger :^)

2019-11-08 03:40:26 UTC  

Thought you guys got yeeted.

2019-11-08 03:40:27 UTC  

doesn’t matter

2019-11-08 03:40:30 UTC  

post gear

2019-11-08 03:40:52 UTC  

furry gang now

2019-11-08 03:41:00 UTC  

I had a pouch and a baofeng when I joined. No excuses autist, post it.

2019-11-08 03:41:09 UTC  

k fag

2019-11-08 03:41:10 UTC  

why does red korvo have it lol

2019-11-08 03:41:11 UTC  

gimme a min

2019-11-08 03:41:22 UTC  

@Red Korvo you don’t even have access lmao

2019-11-08 03:41:30 UTC  

why are you giving advice to people

2019-11-08 03:42:03 UTC  

Guy joined and posted pics of his chickens, I told him to post pics of chicken ass, got red named by people who probably like traps.

2019-11-08 03:42:10 UTC  


2019-11-08 03:42:14 UTC  


2019-11-08 03:42:43 UTC  

That's featherfag to you.

2019-11-08 03:42:47 UTC  

This is cringe

2019-11-08 03:42:48 UTC  


2019-11-08 03:43:08 UTC  

redname gang is truly retarded

2019-11-08 03:43:14 UTC  


2019-11-08 03:43:25 UTC

2019-11-08 03:43:30 UTC  

@fjogertaccess is a meme and you know it.

2019-11-08 03:43:37 UTC  

nope lol

2019-11-08 03:43:45 UTC  

None of you are red name gang

2019-11-08 03:43:49 UTC  


2019-11-08 03:43:50 UTC  

>4:42 am

2019-11-08 03:43:55 UTC  

You're all posers

2019-11-08 03:44:02 UTC  

I never asked for this

2019-11-08 03:44:12 UTC  

I don’t post futa in every thread

2019-11-08 03:44:14 UTC  

>posts catgirl once

2019-11-08 03:44:16 UTC  

I'm a yuro

2019-11-08 03:44:18 UTC  
