Message from @Kasserine
Discord ID: 643992355388784640
adenosine triphosphate niggas represent
I'm not from there, I just have a condo on mountain where I'm a ski patroller
hail dixie
sadly im on a laptop visiting family for thanks giving in another state and the mic isnt working. Plus i dont have pictures of shit on it. Was gonna ask if you guys think this is legit
and yes
i mean legit as in its not garbage
why are you asking us about revolvers
Wrong channel friendo
this isnt /hg/
i want those top break revolvers
go to hg
thats great man
@Kasserine post favorite touhou and guns that you own
then i also want to ask if you guys think gear should be for intimidation or utility
Don't own any.
how does one intimidate with gear
i got an FNX 45, its all i got currently
flex on niggas so hard you scare them
If you don’t own guns you shouldn’t buy gear
wear crye everywhere
only the patagonia i have here rn
I swear to God if I don’t get a pack because you fucks are stuffing your cargo pockets...
well no see, for example you could just dress up to look like some level of swat or military, but you could try to look like a serial killer too
i never really see people do that
Implying I'm not going to take a whole box bakx to my cot
i was working on making my own masks
If you don’t own guns go to (((qtg)))
do not interact
like slipknot you know?
What’s your favorite touhou