Message from @Cataclysmo
Discord ID: 643991104043352064
higher end outdoor clothing (arcteryx etc)?
go buy a jpc or something then come back
yes, I've got high end outdoor clothing
or don’t
those count, go add them to the pic
Assualt pack is still the best pillow/chair I have ever owned
as long as its not a rothco bag or some shit
Had to pull a couple shells out the service shotgun for a photo op
Dude if I'm a fed nigger, I'd be posting real gear not my shit lying around my room
Can't be posting a department issued gun though 😏
I was just browsing k cuz I was bored and saw this link
yo can I live in your DC apartment
lol you're a bunch of happy fags
Bro cut me in on that pension
in a straight way
@Rentago post gear and timestamp
welp I'm furfag and atp
Oh shit we got the partner in here now for backup
Atp is a great molecule @Scal
Powers our cells
That it is
Idk what more you guys want, I'll grab some gucci outdoor gear, but most of it is upstate NY
I've probs got more patagonia lying around
thats not an excuse
It really is
how can you tell someone is from upstate NY?
adenosine triphosphate niggas represent
I'm not from there, I just have a condo on mountain where I'm a ski patroller
hail dixie
sadly im on a laptop visiting family for thanks giving in another state and the mic isnt working. Plus i dont have pictures of shit on it. Was gonna ask if you guys think this is legit
and yes