Message from @Cataclysmo

Discord ID: 644045797062606908

2019-11-13 05:01:41 UTC

2019-11-13 05:02:12 UTC  

@Jarbo Islam will prevail. Inshallah ☝

2019-11-13 05:03:50 UTC

2019-11-13 05:08:38 UTC

2019-11-13 05:09:10 UTC  

The only other one was >shadman

2019-11-13 05:11:54 UTC  

That's a hijab

2019-11-13 05:13:00 UTC

2019-11-13 05:14:17 UTC  

has anyone issued a fatwa on whether futas need to wear hijabs

2019-11-13 05:14:46 UTC  

I don't think it matters when you're getting tossed off a building

2019-11-13 05:15:20 UTC  

I’m not a sandnigger so I wouldn’t know vampy

2019-11-13 05:16:19 UTC  

Burkas are the ones where you can't see anything and they look like a living window treatment

2019-11-13 05:16:34 UTC  

I just googled isis futa and this is what I got

2019-11-13 05:18:06 UTC  

My own grenade just killed me through a wall in tarkov

2019-11-13 05:18:31 UTC  

Tell me more in 14 seconds

2019-11-13 05:19:01 UTC  

Fuck this game

2019-11-13 05:19:13 UTC  

Tell me more in 22 seconds

2019-11-13 05:20:31 UTC  

with that many people saying its fucked up, it must be great

2019-11-13 05:20:43 UTC  

It’s fucking trash and I hate it

2019-11-13 05:21:14 UTC  

I had to spend 100k on another svd for one more kill cause this game is a buggy mess of retarded bullshit made by noguns brainlets

2019-11-13 05:26:18 UTC  

Who’s <@&642916924157853743> ?

2019-11-13 05:28:03 UTC  

<@&642916924157853743> please. answer

2019-11-13 05:44:18 UTC  

Ligma balls

2019-11-13 05:57:08 UTC  

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                .                  .           .
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                .              .
. . .

2019-11-13 05:59:38 UTC  

2019-11-13 06:00:01 UTC  

@BoogalooBushming post gear with a timestamp.

2019-11-13 06:00:04 UTC  

joe mama 😂

2019-11-13 06:06:03 UTC  


2019-11-13 06:07:44 UTC

2019-11-13 06:08:59 UTC  

post gear

2019-11-13 06:09:41 UTC  

do guns count

2019-11-13 06:09:45 UTC  


2019-11-13 06:10:09 UTC  

no but sure

2019-11-13 06:10:34 UTC  

wait im not suppose to talk about how many guns i have nvm

2019-11-13 06:10:40 UTC  


2019-11-13 06:11:11 UTC  


2019-11-13 06:11:12 UTC  

@NonAverageJoe you're trying too hard to be edgy and based

2019-11-13 06:11:25 UTC  

im not trying to be anything, just shitposting

2019-11-13 06:12:30 UTC  


2019-11-13 06:12:39 UTC  

my gear

2019-11-13 06:12:44 UTC  


2019-11-13 06:13:02 UTC  

mirin those rocks