Message from @CTL
Discord ID: 645409604452352000
ey tone post the beans
bro dont dox me
Too late
i'll kick ur ass on fortnite
my fit is straight heat
aight srsly niggers
which one of u niggas wants 30x30 Prana stretch pants in Grey or FDE
@Red Korvo first step is to take the two hex bolts out, then you need punches for the rest.
Post height @CTL
@CTL that's my size
eat more @tacticoolyourjets
If you buy both I'll throw in a discount 😏
@glacial pace I'm just small framed.
@CTL I don't know what I'm buying. Just saw 30x30 pants
I do need new pants. And the gray ones will let me >grayman
I got them for cheap but I never wore them since I bought the brions that don't have the side pocket
Oy vey
Yeah, those look nice
I'll pm you
I've got a pair of lightly used crye field pants in khaki at home. Don't know the exact size, but large. I'll get pictures of them when I get home in a few days.
I'd let them go on the cheap of someone wanted them.
So what's the deal with the TSR100 vs TSR200? Does the 200 just allow for.larger elevation adjustments?
nigga youre shooting at 25 feet you dont need larger adjustments
25 yards dipshit, and I intend to shoot out to 100 and further if I can.
Ngl that looks like fun and I have most of the gear to do it.
Seriously though, are the extra elevation adjustments the only difference and are they necessasary?
This worked for me
Took the class twice, got marksman once.