Message from @Drill
Discord ID: 645799945152233474
@Snooper08 @Partyrocker post favourite touhou and firearms you own
@polly post gear and timestamp
ok now quit tagging me
my b ignore that request i meant to block you
wait no :(
federal inmate
fuck it gonna block wither too im going ape mode
sorry bro
Plz bro plz
sorry it had to be this way
thanks rob very cool
not my fault you have this disgusting furry and futanari porn faggot in here
what's wrong with his dick
"He's doing it again"
Take some advice
you didn't even see the shit he posted in the florida server
Post it ginger
@Misaki You don't want to
and to think I was going to buy an eotech
That's not opfor
In terms of what rob posts thats not that bad
futa is the mark of a man who has turned away from humanity
you need to repent rob
stop it
get some help