Message from @𝔐𝔯. 𝔍𝔬𝔥𝔫ℌ𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔶
Discord ID: 556131784052441088
we have so many jobs and no one to work them
we choose people by education level 😂
we want the really smart ones
what about the unemployed you already have?
they on welfare or some shit we hardly have hobos here
you can make $100 from a bag of recycling its really easy to make money here
@ the bottle depot <:rick2:534347065585827840>
you can make hella bank off bottles lol
So are we siding with New Zealand or Islam? You can't choose both.
I'm siding with islam that guys dumb I see nothing wrong with them cause where i live we chose them by education level
so we aren't bringing in barbarians like Europe
i feel so bad calling them barbarians but its so true ;-;
Their education level doesn't matter. New Zealand will be an islamic state unless you outlaw sharia & ban the koran.
ive never seen an attack happen ever in sask
only one i heard about was in Quebec
Are they in your govt & military yet?
cause french canadians dont like anyone on their turf lol
@Madrinas How high is the Islamic population there?
also the entire Canadian government is islam or hindu
look its pretty funny
the NDP is islam
Yes, Canada is GONE.......That's why I'm asking if New Zealand was crazy enough to let them in their govt.
That's a Sikh, not a muslim.
hes Sikh
oh you said it before me
im tryina find one of the muslim guys
Sikh's hate muslims. So do Hindu's........
@ComradeChaos @Jirzan @Ghosts of Alexandria <:ummmm:511590629797789708> welcome <:wave:511590630384992257>
@-Joe hello