Message from @The89thOptimist
Discord ID: 557027563659329537
i think it might be dead
i see
Are all conspirancy servers dead at this hour or just this one and ice wall
ice walls not dead
Are people talking?
Erdogan beat me to the idea of forcing everyone to watch the Christchurch video.
Can't I have ANY of my fucking ideas to mySELF ?!?!
@GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍ ur wife
that's a fucking hottie. What the hell is the matter with you?
She's so pale
Damn she fine
I'll hit that 10/10
Extra points for "resisting Drumpf" as well
A man would be lucky to marry a fine piece of real estate like that.
You guys have exorbitantly high standards man.
fuck yeah
You have poor taste if you think otherwise
not over the top though
bet she'd be fun to eat food with
maybe not
so dead in voice chat
You have black
Talking about Christchurch shooting in VC @everyone join now!
who cares
i might join to listen
it.never happand
People use this opportunity to shut down anyone that criticizes islam
Which is toxic
I mean what did the Muslims do in the shooting anyways?
Allah is everywhere. So he is on my balls