Message from @ashy bravo
Discord ID: 557017328303341605
A Muslim didn’t post revenge is coming while posting a picture of an Ak 12 with an Islamic state flag!
Oh btw you spelled Utah wrong
Brenton bad!
That’s getting old
brenton *WOULD*
dunh dunh dunnhhhh
It wasn’t meant to be Utah
man, i had no idea feminists were so antisemitic
<:trump:511590627478208513> -( i will do a pee on terror )
yeah the left and right are wormy with antijewish sentiments
the one thing the majority of americans agree on now is simply that they think jews are bad
pretty stupid if you ask me
how progressive and liberal
Hey elle
i think it might be dead
i see
Are all conspirancy servers dead at this hour or just this one and ice wall
ice walls not dead
Are people talking?
Erdogan beat me to the idea of forcing everyone to watch the Christchurch video.
Can't I have ANY of my fucking ideas to mySELF ?!?!
@GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍ ur wife
that's a fucking hottie. What the hell is the matter with you?
She's so pale
Damn she fine