Message from @Lancifer
Discord ID: 515413314835185665
yeah seconded I've been waiting for a server like this for a while and that would contribute a lot
oh boy <:blobsweat:511590629042683916>
whenever someone post #mkultra on twitter its going to post here
<:inspect:511590629805916166> <:mk:511588951811817480> <:rofl:511590630661685248> <:realtalk:511590629248335901> <:blobsweat:511590629042683916>
this may work
let me try
Fuck it didnt work
Well, I joined and can't seemingly put up my families MK experience nor what we are going through now...reason?
@GoCoinGo tweeted this at November 23, 2018 at 01:27AM:
Oh snap!
It worked!
@Lancifer what do you mean?
So I can post my videos and such?
should be able to now
so whenever someone hash tags mkultra on twitter its going to post here
This is the newset one. Diane is my wife. We went over to Vancouver Island about a year ago to shoot this...
wtf is that?
A screw
omg thats 20 minutes
how did you find this server?
That my wife and my mother-inlaw Helene....
You invited me on the Q thingy in the boring-footy-chan
from the qtip server?
I don't know, I pushed a button...
@Thuganomicsโ were gunna see some weird shit here now that i added that webhook
Wait there's only me and matei as handlers now?
Well I'll try to be active man but I'm a busy guy
@Profitigation tweeted this at November 23, 2018 at 01:32AM:
@LFnord tweeted this at November 23, 2018 at 01:33AM: