Message from @Kin/Poni

Discord ID: 604756522643488769

2019-07-26 14:35:16 UTC  


2019-07-26 16:30:44 UTC  


2019-07-26 16:32:04 UTC  


2019-07-27 15:00:51 UTC  

I lov korwin

2019-07-27 17:56:18 UTC  

i support killing arabs

2019-07-27 17:56:21 UTC  


2019-07-27 18:08:16 UTC  

on beaches?

2019-07-27 18:26:40 UTC  

i support peace with all people, thoughts?

2019-07-27 18:58:32 UTC  

you don't , you support capitalism nigga

2019-07-27 19:13:01 UTC  

i support a very mixed model so

2019-07-27 19:13:18 UTC  

some of the eements of capitalism are ok

2019-07-27 19:18:21 UTC  

what fucking elements of capitalism are ok?

2019-07-27 19:18:27 UTC  

there's no "mixed model"

2019-07-27 19:18:36 UTC  

you're either capitalist or not capitalist

2019-07-27 19:20:44 UTC  


2019-07-27 19:21:46 UTC  

supply and demand instead of central planning

2019-07-27 19:22:50 UTC  

private ownership, competition

2019-07-27 19:23:04 UTC  

these things led to capital accumulation without which you cannot have any progress

2019-07-27 19:26:30 UTC  

how are markets and the exsitence of capital superior than central planing?

2019-07-27 19:26:51 UTC  

why do you advocate for private ownership? what's good about it?

2019-07-27 19:27:30 UTC  

saying "you can't have technological progress without the incentive to profit off of it" is a silly claim that you'd need to back up with academic studies

2019-07-27 19:28:08 UTC  

the incentive to work and invent is the same as it always is: that which is enabled by the mode of production. selfishness is not the main motivation for work or invention in many epochs. it's silly to think that without capitalism and capitalists we'd all just sit on our hands and starve to death

2019-07-27 19:35:57 UTC

2019-07-27 19:36:50 UTC  

>how are markets and the exsitence of capital superior than central planing?
srsly? we had examples of central planning and it was quite evident it didnt work so well

2019-07-27 19:37:38 UTC  

at least compared to free market

2019-07-27 19:38:16 UTC  

that's not an anwser to the question

2019-07-27 19:38:19 UTC  

> how are markets and the exsitence of capital superior than central planing?

2019-07-27 19:39:24 UTC  

because a market is way too complex to model and predict we cannot do that, it works better largely unregulated

2019-07-27 19:40:22 UTC  

> a market is way too complex to model and predict we cannot do that

2019-07-27 19:41:00 UTC  

markets dont' exsist in socialism

2019-07-27 19:41:12 UTC  

oh alright then how do you do anything then

2019-07-27 19:42:09 UTC  

free markets have unquestionably increased global production many times over, and increased the living standards of millions of people who used to work the fields for feudal landlords. but just like technological advancement moves ever onward, so must society continue to move forward, and socialists believe that capitalism is an outdated system. I do not believe that capitalism is the final mode of production, and I believe that capitalism has to be replaced by a superior system. c0apitalism is politically, economically, and ecologically unsustainable

2019-07-27 19:42:13 UTC  

how do you do what?

2019-07-27 19:42:43 UTC  

my point is capitalism is unrivaled in pure wealth creation

2019-07-27 19:43:02 UTC  

stop right there

2019-07-27 19:43:03 UTC  

and I want people to be wealtyh

2019-07-27 19:43:31 UTC  

that's exactlly what capitalism is about, creating profit and accumulating capital

2019-07-27 19:43:46 UTC  

beacouse it maximizes profit and minimizes spending

2019-07-27 19:44:08 UTC  

do you know who's in the spendid area? people like workers