Message from @Mai
Discord ID: 421864306993528832
Raid is just Zyklon B for Ant-Kenazi Jews
His whole rhetorical perspective is "back in my day"
Boomer af
Is Zeiger promoting
Antrael is our greatest ally
Wtf is azz rambling about? I zoned out
Is he not a boomer? I thought he was a boomer.
North American nationalism
Very dissapointing
he says hes not a boomer hes a fucking boomer
Coming from no.2 Ironmarch guy
Slavros was right
American Ant-isn
a canadian and a boomer walk into a bar
If he isn't a boomer what is he?
heimbach slams t hem both
Canada boy promoting am nat
Am I the only enjoyer of these ant memes
I enjoy them
Grandpa Simpson is putting me to sleep with all the back in my day
I was trying to be supportive.
Ant React Only
It's too late. You can't ungas me.
Ants hate nogs now ant empire!
Link mehhhhh
You've done well.
get a room
The world is our room.
Stream over
Da faq
@florian_geyer it's the worlds biggest brained nibba! What's happenin!
Love your show
Nvm, weird, I got it now tho
Can we have an ant room to talk about ants?
Iβll beat this dead ant till heβs dry
Honey bees are way cooler than ants.