Message from @Pszek
Discord ID: 428213858956607498
there's no such thing as real lithuania
so I kind of understand why would 2 of you would want to forge new identities
as the grand duchy doesnt even exist
god I wish that were me
😩 👌
because, both have a claim to the grand duchy and their culture got polonise'd pretty hard anyway
I heard that parents called him Juozukas (diminutive of Juozas/Jozeph in Lithuanian) in his childhood
>I heard that parents called him Juozukas
😡 😡 😡
His guardian or however they are called in english might have
idk it's just from random article I read long ago
are lithuanian girls ez
do they crave BPC ?
dont really care as again, there was no concept of nationalism as it is right now
I mean
before his time
there was
its just poland was multicultural af
Nationllism in its current form has been a thing since Napoleon
English and the french even had proto nationalist ideas during the hundred years war
it wasnt "juozukas", but still close
tbh multiculturalism ain't bad but I don't like this american tier meme where they literally can actually have 10+ ethnicities...
Swiss multiculturalism is 100% based
you can say the same that communist ideas existed in 1500s
I meant in its current form
as we understand it in 21st century
Sure but nationalism literally existed back then, there were actual movements
well yeah I mean the rise of nationalism, enlightment