Message from @igge
Discord ID: 457912709649006592
here is for u
they are punching SO MUCH above their weight
damn city
didnt know
city is a meme
u only have psg in top 20
oh and colombia is actually lower than I expected
>salah is worth more than 3/4 of egypts teams total value
top kek
>m*ssi worth so much more than ronaldo
I dont know why messis value is so inflated? he isn't gonna get sold too
and he's old too
ronaldo is one year older but actually you can clearly see that messi is ageing seeing him playing while ronaldo somehow maintains his peak performance
and btw why is Salah worth so much?
tbh I wasnt paying attention this year at all I didnt even watch LM finals
made it larger to see
also what happen to Bale I liked him but then he kind of played like shit
and now he's scored twice in lm finals
he was hurt
so he couldn't play
his shoots from distance ❤ ❤
i love
yeah but why is he wort 150mil
so he's actually a thing
one friend was telling me about him that he's so le ebin great and he's of polish descent but I consider series a trash tbh
will u watch poland game
cheer them up
poland japan
will be funny to watch
well i def will watch all polish games wew
where are you from?
brb dinner
but i live in swe
sry for asking over and over again